The Guiding Light

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Usara squints her eyes at Nicole.  Some unpleasant memories start to fill her head.  "Nicole... you joined the Empty Agents?"

"Yeah?  So what?  It's not like I had anything better to do, and they give fat paychecks!"

"...But are you aware of the things they are planning..."

"What makes you think I care?"

Usara pauses for a moment, but then suddenly shouts, "This is not what Sahve would have wanted!  He wouldn't want his students fighting like this!"

Nicole chuckles at Usara.  "And what makes you think I really care?  Do you honestly think Sahve would care about what we are doing today?"

"O-Of course I do!  He's the one who got me to where I am today..."

"And look where I am!  Because he had neglected all of us, now we are all split apart, baring nothing but hatred for that man!"

"But... Nicole!  I keep telling you that was just a misunderstanding!"

"I don't care anymore.  It doesn't change the fact that he left us all behind.  But that doesn't really matter now... does it?"


Nicole makes a quiet laugh, and raises her arm.  "You know the wind technique Sahve never taught us?  His ability to compress wind into sharp blades?"

"Nicole... you couldn't have..." 

"But I have ginger tits!  I perfected the technique he neglected to teach us, all by myself!"

"You shifted from the wind strike fighting stance... to the wind slash fighting stance?  But that kind of fighting style shift is-"

"Nearly impossible?  Yeah, it was pretty hard.  How about I show you just how well I've perfected it then?"

Usara's eyes grow wide, and she quickly gets into her fighting stance.

"Still using that lame fighting stance I see..." Nicole taunts.  She swings her right arm across her chest, and a visible wind blade forms under her forearm.

Usara keeps her eyes closely on Nicole, who is standing there with a taunting smile on her face.  "There's no way I can clash with that wind blade, or any of her wind techniques.  That's asking for a cut off limb.  I have to get past her defenses." she thinks.

"What's wrong... you aren't going to charge at me?" Nicole asks.

"The one to charge right into a fight is the one who is usually the biggest fool."

"And now you're talkin' like him..." Nicole complains under her breath.  "No matter... if you won't come at me, then I'll play keep away."

Usara's eyes widen as Nicole sends a quick slash of wind at her.  She barely manages to dodge, as the slash of wind zips past her neck.  "She's aiming to kill!"

Nicole charges up a massive amount of wind energy from her wind blade, and then sends out multiple wind slashes from a single swing.

Usara is unable to dodge them all, so she jabs her index finger into the ground and shouts "Wind strike hurricane formation!"

Wind towers from the ground all around Usara, which protects her from the ranged wind slashes Nicole had sent at her.

Usara then jabs the wind, which guides it towards Nicole.  Nicole simply slashes the wind away with ease.

"C'mon, that all you can do?  I know that fighting style is only suited for close quarters situations... so using ranged moves against me is useless."

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