Hunter and the Hunted

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-2 years ago-

"I'm such a boss!" I shout at the top of my lungs, as I pump my fist in the air.

Lilian, and Alex gaze in awe at the large burning crater ahead of us.

"To think we actually pulled this off..." Lilian says, with a small sigh of relief.  "...Well daddy, now that we've actually pulled this off-"

"We're gonna go beat some sense into this king, right!?"

"Let's try not to get into tons of trouble... we want to be able to leave this planet in peace."

"Yeah... you're right about that.  Anyways, how is Maria doing?  Isn't she supposed to be interrogating that guy on how we can infiltrate the king's palace?"

"Yeah... I wonder if she's managed to break him..." Alex ponders.  "...Let's go check up on her."

I nod in agreement and we all head upstairs towards the room where Maria is in.

We peek inside and notice Maria holding the man's chin, forcing him to look at her.  He is forcibly strapped to a chair, and his body is drenched in sweat.  He also has bruises all over his body, and cuts marks as well.

His face looks horrified.  "I-I've already told you!  I've told you everything!  In order to safely infiltrate the palace, you need to-"

Maria quickly pushes her hand against his mouth.  "Shh shh shh... we wouldn't want you spilling the beans so easily, now would we?  That would be no fun now would it?  If you told everything now, I wouldn't be able to have so much fun skinning you alive, now would I?"

"You freaky sadist-" the man manages to mutter out before Maria punches him hard in the gut.

"W-Whoa there little lady!" Alex yells, as he walks into the room.  "He said he told everything already?  Then why are you still torturing him?"

"Because it was fun watching him squirm... and he didn't say anything..."

"You didn't let me say anything!" the man screams.

"Look just... all of you head downstairs.  I'll get the information from this guy, and then we can decide what to do with him..."

So we all head downstairs and wait for about five minutes, until Alex finally comes downstairs.

"Well... did he tell you?" I ask.

Alex looks at Maria, with a concerned expression.  "Not only did she break him... it's as if he completely changed sides because of her... just what..." Alex mumbles to himself.

"Earth to Gilberto!"

Alex looks at me in surprise.  "I'm shocked you remember my middle name.  But anyways... I know of a plan to infiltrate without much interference now.  The man even said he would help us get in with even more ease..."

"Whoa there... you sure we can trust him?  I mean, we did only torture... well... Maria tortured him for about a week."

"Don't worry... I got something special planned just in case he plans on betraying us."

"Well then... in that case... why aren't we getting to it!  I can't wait to punch in this guy's face almost as much as I can't wait to punch in Kristy's!"

"I'll get our supplies ready... all of you head for the van."

I salute.  "Roger!"

Lilian, Maria and I await inside the van for about thirty minutes, until Alex steps outside, in completely new gear.

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