Seesaw Game Continued

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Suiyomi steps back into the ship, with several holo-notes in his hand.  He throws them on a table and leans back in his seat, feeling exhausted.

Evelyn walks up to Suiyomi, and looks at him blankly for a few seconds before saying "I assume your mission was successful?"

"Yeah... I got the notes telling me everything about me.  I will know how to upgrade my Ojos Brillantes.  He wasn't even worth using my true element on... he was so easy to read.  I expected more from the man who taught me so many things."

"Well... about your mother.  She is in critical condition.  I'm still unsure saving her is impossible."

"...I thought our medical technology could save someone, no matter the wound?"

"It's more to it than that... it's as if there's something preventing us from bring her back.  I can't even seal her chest back to normal.  We are going to have to bring her back to the hideout and have our best medics take a look at this."

"...Then let's hurry.  I don't want things to end for her like this."

A week finally passes, and I stand back on my feet, feeling as cheerful as ever.  Of course I almost fall over because I haven't stood in so long, but manage to stand my ground.

I run around the area, jumping around happily.  I feel like I was just released from prison.  But it's strange... my body feels much lighter than before.  It's as if I'm released from gravity.

Lilian just stares at me, with a little smile on her face.

I run over to her and grab her hands.  "I feel ready!  I feel more than ready!  I think- no, I KNOW I can take on those stupid invisible insects now!"

"A-Are you sure?  I mean, you haven't even seen if you could grasp beta yet..."

I smile at her, and hop on the corner of the building.  I take a deep breath of the atmosphere, and crouch over.  I put my palm over my fist, and then quickly punch the air.

The punch releases a somewhat large explosion of beta in front of me, which sounds almost like a firecracker going off.

"Wow... I guess you did manage to toughen up your beta.  And that was only a little bit?"

"No, no!  That was quite a lot!"

"...A lot?"

Lilian looks over at Alex, who has been leaning against the door that leads up and down the building.  "...You said a week of meditation only strengthens beta a little."

"And it's true... Kiruh, did you cheat or something?"

"How could I possibly cheat?" I shout loudly.

I beta jump all over the place, bouncing back in forth with joy.

"Weird... it normally takes at least two months to get even anywhere near the amount of beta strength he has at the moment."

"Who cares!  I feel alive again!" I shout, as I jump off the tall tower.  Once I get close to the ground, I force beta to explode from my feet, easily cushioning my landing.

After about five minutes, Lilian and Alex finally make their ways all the way downstairs.

"O-Okay!  Calm down daddy!  Geez, you're like a four year old!"

"I feel like a four year old too!" I shout as I punch the air.  In one of the punches I accidentally send a blast of beta through my fists, which almost hits the house.

Alex manages to shoot the blast away just before it hits.  "H-Hey now!  Watch where you're aiming those things!"

"Just summon the dumb bug things already!" I shout loudly.  "I'm more than ready for this!"

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