Empty Delnine

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The assassins all take cover behind flipped over tables, walls, or self-placed shields, all aiming their special weapons at the door and ceiling.

"Why would they make their move so suddenly... especially on this day?" Lorraine questions, as her voice echoes through the communication device embedded in her helmet.

"Maybe they had spies get intel on us.  Maybe they know this is the day the boss gets back" Ingrid replies.

"Don't worry about all that for now" Yein mentions, "At the moment, we need to worry about keeping this area safe for those who are unable to fight as well as others."

After about two minutes, a small scratching noise is heard from the main entrance of the ship.  Everyone quickly points their aim at the entrance, and get extremely quiet.

After a few seconds, the door suddenly just flies apart into the ship, and crashes against a wall.

The assassins check their fire to make sure it isn't a friendly.

The second they notice General Bob step into the ship, they fire at will.  The bullets just melt upon reaching his red lightning surrounded body.

Yein grits his teeth.  "That's some armor ability you have there..."

"Armor ability?" Bob questions.  "Oh... you think this is my armor's doing..."

Yein raises an eyebrow, but doesn't bother questioning any further.  He stealthily rolls a grenade over to Bob.

Bob notices it at the last second, as the explosion consumes over him.

"Don't let up!" Yein shouts.  "This man is the general we are talking about!  No way he'd go down from a grenade!"

"Roger!" Lorraine shouts as she aims into the rubble cloud caused by the grenade, and shoots her sniper rifle as many times as her clip would allow. 

"Good... I'm not being underestimated" Bob says from an unknown location.

Everyone looks around, pointing the guns aimlessly, looking for him.

"The roof!" Yein shouts.

Everyone looks up at the roof and notices Bob standing on the roof upside down, with red lightning sparking from his feet.

They immediately open fire, but he just disappears again.

He suddenly ends up behind pilot Dale, with a knife against his throat.

"Dale!" Yein shouts.

"Now now... let's not be hasty" Bob taunts, "I seem to have noticed something.  Beta Kuller over there has just been hiding not doing a thing the whole time we've been fighting.  Plus there are a few others missing from the scene of this decisive battle.  You won't mind answering my obvious questions... right?"

Yein points the gun at Bob, but Bob just presses the knife further against Dale's neck, forcing him to lower his weapon.

"...Beta is unable to control the power that was given to him.  If he uses his beta, he'll end up going beserk, killing allies and enemies alike."

"Don't tell him anything!" Dale suddenly shouts.  "The better the surprise of this fight, the better chance we have of winning!"

"I won't give your life away over some minor details!"

Bob wraps his hand over Dale's mouth, quickly shutting him up.  "I don't have time for this pointless drabble.  One more off topic word and this man's head will dangle."

Suddenly the knife is shot out of Bob's hand.

The barrel of Lorraine's gun smokes, as it beckons in Bob's direction.  "Now guys!" Lorraine shouts.

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