Sands of Time Continued

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The giant sand meteor crashes into her, causing a massive flaming explosion.  The sharp shards of glass cause sparks to fly everywhere.  Though I don't hear what I want to hear, and that's screams of pain.

Instead Kristy somehow manages to absorb both the meteors with gigantic portals, while stopping the fire with her time.

It only looks like I fed her a little.  "That was refreshing... that was quite the strategy.  I almost didn't expect it."

I grin at her under the mask.  "There's a lot more where that came from!"  I summon long triangular glass shards to hover in circles around me, and elemental ride over to her direction.

"Covering yourself with those sharp glass shards I see..." she mumbles.

Some oddly colored violet beta surrounds her hand, and forms a two-dimensional clock around her wrist.

In return, I surround my fist with tightly condensed sand, and punch her fist head on.  As our fists make contact, the clock around her wrist grows larger, and it feels as if my body just stops.

I feel perfectly fine, but my body refuses to move.

She pokes me in the chest, which sends me flying uncontrollably.  I still don't have control over my body, so I just fly backwards stiff as a statue.

She quickly appears above me, using her amazing speed, and stomps her foot into my stomach, launching me down into the ground.

I finally gain control over my body, but that hurt like crazy.

I grip my stomach in pain, and look around.  She is nowhere in sight.  I grit my teeth and slam my palm on the ground, causing a sandstorm to roar around me.

She finally shows herself outside of the sandstorm, standing in the air.  "Covering your area with a sandstorm so my time can't reach you?"

I point my fist at her, and launch dozens of sand balls at her, each at a high velocity.

She summons a portal in front of her absorbing the attack, and then points her open palm in my direction.  She opens her mouth wide and shouts "Fata Morgana!"

My eyes widen as I look at the ground below me.  "Danielle's technique!"

A large portal appears below me, and I attempt escaping, but the gravity from it starts to easily pull me in.

I attempt to shoot sand, fire and glass at the portal, but all of it just gets sucked in.

The gravity from the portal grows even more intense, and I can't resist it any longer.  I get sucked in and fall down into some type of new world.

First, everything is completely black.  It seems pitch dark.  But things begin to take shape.

It forms into familiar territory.  And not just any familiar territory... but the territory where I started to become what I am today.

Training field 2880.  But it seems just a tad bit different.  The grass seems more grown, and there are a few more trees.

Suddenly I hear two people walk in.  I subconsciously hide behind a tree, just in case.  I don't know if this is just an illusion, or if I've been sent back in time.  It seems like Kristy could do either if she wanted to.

The two get closer, and their images begin to get a little clearer to me.  I can see a tanned skin bald man with somewhat baggy pants, a leather shirt and a one-strap backpack.  The other man is somewhat hard to see due to his positioning, but I can see that he has a backpack slung over his shoulder, and he's wearing some type of elemental user military suit.

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