Baring Hatred

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While Lilian and Kristy are elemental riding/running on the air, Kristy can't help but notice Lilian's slightly unnatural trembling.

She slowly drifts over closer to Lilian and asks, "Something wrong?  I can feel your pitch in emotions."

Lilian pans her eyes down towards the trees below her.  "This all feels so unnatural to me... in my time-line you were the enemy to all of us.  And now I'm standing right here beside you, as an ally..."

Kristy chuckles.  "Kiruh died in your timeline right?  That is probably the reason why... his death caused a huge change in my plans.  Honestly I'm not surprised I truly became an enemy to the world..."

Lilian remains quiet for a few more seconds, before continuing "There is one more thing that is really bothering me... this... 'Messiah' guy.  Even you were nowhere near as cruel enough to destroy an entire city full of people... no matter what I think about it, I used to live within that city's quarters.  I knew people there.  And this guy just... kills them all?  Without any purpose?

I want to rip him to shreds."

"Believe me, you aren't the only one.  Right now he is controlling the agents, each of whom I've saved in some type of way.  They were like a family to me.  And he wants to use them as puppets, to scheme against me.  Whatever this man gets isn't good enough for him."

All of a sudden, several figures of people come jumping out of trees nearby the two women.  They are startled at first, but are relieved upon witnessing who these people are.

Adam, Briaunna, Mikkai, Kyeru and Reitia.

"A little warning before jumping out of trees at us!?" Kristy shouts.

"Sorry boss-woman, we will be careful next time" Mikkai replies.

"So, what are you five doing here anyway?"

"Orders to head over to the new city.  Kyeru and I were supposed to head towards him at the first sight of the Messiah, right?"

"Yeah but... what about you three?"

"Four, you mean" Adam replies, as he slightly twists his back to show Nelena holding on tightly.  "We are going to support with the Empty Agents."

Nelena gives a shaky thumbs up, but quickly swings her hand back to grip on Adam's cloak tightly.  Adam looks back at Nelena, with a worried expression.  "You really need to learn to elemental ride, you know?  Weren't you a captain?"

"S-Shut up!  You try wielding acid and flying with it!"

"Heh, it can't be any different from flying on fire."

Nelena quietly pouts, but doesn't reply.

Adam tightly grips his scythe necklace, and glances over at Kristy.  "Uh... thanks for giving me back my scythe.  Why you took it in the first place, I will never understand.  But whatever."

"Hey... we need the only Seishunn Soul capable of using Soul Fusion more than ever right now, don't we?" she replies.

"Well... there's only two of us left."

"Four" Kristy bluntly replies.


She nods her head negatively.  "Nothing."

Meanwhile back with me, my technique is almost ready.  But it feels so heavy and unstable.  If I can just fix it, I can finally end this.

"Go ahead... fire that off" Kaizen says.  "Go ahead and tear Belle's body to shreds.

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