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Welcome back to the fourteenth chapter of "History Altered".



"Demonic Voice"



"So Zabuza. . . are you ready to take me up on my offer and join us?" Mathias says looking at the injured Nukenin.

"Maybe. . . thats only if you know who shows up." Zabuza says as he kneels by Haku who gets up and walks to Naruto taking off her mask. Naruto looks at her and smiles some before hugging her tightly to himself.

"Thank you for not killing shino Haku. . .He's one of the few precious people i have in my life. I'm happy you only fought to subdue and not to kill." Naruto says as he holds the blushing Kunoichi as she pats his back.

As this is going on everyone hears the slow clapping of some snickering man in the background. Everyone turns around to see Gato and no less then 400 thugs on the bridge all wielding Katana's Wakizachi's and various other bladed weapons. Gato just laughs and looks at everyone.

"So the Demon of the mist can't even fight against a few brats or decent Ninja. Shame really, Oh well it's not like I was going to pay you anyway." Gato says evilly with a horrible smirk on his face.

"Gato what are you doing here? And what do you mean you weren't going to pay us." Zabuza says a little angry.

"I mean what i say. You're too expensive so i found some people who would do the job cheaply. Men kill everyone except the women. For every ninja you kill you get triple pay and those who capture the women. . .well you can have your fun with them and get 10 times more when i sell them as slaves." Gato says as the thugs all cheer and begin running across the large distance to get to the ninja.

"zabuza, Kakashi, Naruto, Shino, Haku, Kurenai You all are too tired from your fight's or need to look after your friends I'll handle the thugs alone like I said I would. Zabuza give me your blade. I need to borrow it for now." Mathias says with a rather sickly devilish tone.

"Alright. . .Just so you know Kubikiribocho has been itching for blood. Be sure to not spare anyone but Gato. I'm sure I can find a good way to kill him." Zabuza says handing Mathias Kubikiribocho.

"Sorry but I'm killing Gato Zabuza. I have the perfect attack for it too." Mathias says as he hefts Kubikiribocho into the air as if it was a feather. He charges forward into the thugs and what happens next will remain in the astonished eyes and minds of everyone around and even the people in the village that came with inari to help Naruto and the others as they come up on the scene forever. Mathias, Hailed as the S-rank ninja "Death Punch", Begins Literally dancing around the bridge dodging and weaving the attacks of the Thugs around him. Mathias throws Kubikirbocho into the air and as it falls he grabs it when it gets in range and slashes a thug in half before tossing both the thugs weapon and his own into the air. Repeating this process of dodging and juggling the weapons he gets after killing the thugs he is soon tossing and juggling between axes, swords, maces, katanas, Kamas and even a scythe numbering into the triple digits just continuing to add onto his own body and weapon count expertly weaving and dancing around the spraying blood not letting a drop get anywhere near him as he sways and moves through the crowd like an angel of death. When the last thug falls Mathias catches Kubikiri Bocho in his hand and lets the blood rain down around him soaking the bridge in gore as he dodges the falling droplets and weapons all of which land in a uniform formation leading all the way back towards the gathered townspeople and shinobi.

Sauntering over to Gato who is now panicking wondering what he is going to do Mathias merely smiles happily before leaning down to meet Gato eye to Eye.

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