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Welcome back to the chapter 54 of "History Altered".



"Demonic Voice"



After a short walk to the Hokage office Yukie and Naruto are inside the room sitting down side by side in the office. Only a emerald green and a sky blue sweatshirt wearing duo from the 9 women are with the two as Guards while the others are all outside standing guard silently as if they were sentinels tasked with guarding a precious relic. The shinobi of Konoha all look on curiously. Kiba looking them over notices how curvaceous the women are and he slides up to the one wearing all black trying his best flirting tactics.

"Hey there sexy, You know I'm Naruto's rival and second best friend. Yeah he was lost without me and Shino you know. We taught him almost all he knew. His sensei helped but even he would admit Me and Shino were his biggest inspiration to get stronger." Kiba states rather smugly in a seemingly arrogant tone as Hinata goes to stop him only to be stopped by Shino who shakes his head.

The black sweatshirt wearing woman just stands silently not even bothering to acknowledge him. Kiba looks at her a bit confused before continuing.

"You know you've got a very Gorgeous looking body. I bet you're just as beautiful beneath the uniform. How about we go out to dinner tonight so we can get to know one another?" Kiba asks getting a bit closer to her only to have the black sweatshirt wearing woman look in his direction before just silently staring at him. Kiba thinking that's a good thing points his hand forward.

"So say I pick you up at 7 o'clock tonight? Hows that sound sexy?" Kiba says taking his index finger and moving it closer to her going to poke her at the base of her neck at the start of the chest only to regret the move instantly as the black sweatshirt wearing woman grabs his hand and pins it behind his back to where his index finger is curving towards the palm as she spins him around a full 180 degrees and lifts him off the ground with her free hand.

Kiba's hand is currently bent behind his back in the most uncomfortable spot possible as he yells out in pain only to feel the woman holding him captive take his turned hand with the upward curved pointer finger and ram it hard through his Anbu pants and into his asshole ramming it in so it and his hand gets stuck inside himself before she drops him on his face as Kiba howls in pain while his Mother Tsume and his older sister Hana burst out laughing their asses off before Tsume leaves joining the other clan heads in Tsunade's office. The pink sweatshirt wearing woman looks over to black and without speaking only using her body movements accompanied only by the sound of the scraping of clothes against clothes.

"Black, was that really necessary?" Pink asks in their form of silent code using body language getting Black to look back to her and answer.

"He was going to touch me and you know no one but Naruto-kun has that honor. So of course it was Pink." Black responds back in an agitated body language as pink just shakes her head before growling at black.

"You used the scorpion hold and pulled the Ouroboros shoving it up his ass. That wasn't about him touching you that was you just showing off to these guys." Pink says back in the coded body language getting black to shrug as all jounin look in wonder at what they could be communicating to each other without speaking a word at all. All men present look in slight empathetic pain for Kiba and his obviously sore asshole.

"Well he shouldn't have been so arrogant and Smug. If he had asked like a normal person I would have simply turned him down." Black says in the coded signs of body language crossing her arms under her ample breasts making them more pronounced. Inside the Hokage's office things are going more smoothly.

History AlteredTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang