Chunnin Exam - 2

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Welcome back to the chapter 27 of "History Altered".



"Demonic Voice"



(Konahagakure Academy exam room 301.)


"ME? WHAT ABOUT YOU, YOU LITTLE WASTE OF SPACE." Anko says glaring at Naruto.

"Anko I know you're early but seriously this better not take to long you have the second exam to proctor." Ibiki says casually.

"SHUT UP IBIKI I know that. It'll be done just as soon as this . . .THIS IMPOSTER, drops the henge and stops dishonoring the memory of my little Plushie-kun we can continue." Anko says as tears wells up in her eyes.

"ME WHAT ABOUT YOU? You take off that henge you ugly old slut. NO ONE CAN COMPARE TO MY HEBI-TENSHI. (Snake angle). Except my Beni-hime Kushina." Naruto says looking at Anko angerly.

Anko looks at Naruto intently and just smiles some before pulling out a kunai and slashing his cheek open drawing blood to undo the henge seeing that it stayed put making her eyes go wide. Naruto just growls and takes the kunai floating around him and has it lunge at Anko cutting her cheek in a similar fashion to see that the supposed henge doesn't dissipate.

"Your henge didn't . . . You're not wearing a henge are you?" Anko says looking at Naruto.

"No I'm not and neither are you. . .Show me your neck." Naruto says looking at Anko.

"Only if you show me your abs." Anko says knowing that the seal would show when he channels chakra like he is doing now.

Anko leans in and moves her tan trench coat and mesh under armor shirt to the left showing her Curse Mark of Heaven Curse seal. As she does this Naruto lifts his shirt and sure as the day is bright. Naruto's Shiki Fujin And 8trigram elemental seal are emblazoned on his toned abs.

Anko for her part tears up as she sees Naruto's seal knowing that that in itself is irrefutable proof that this is her Plushie-kun. Likewise Naruto sees the Curse mark that Anko has seeing that she is infact his snake angel.

"H-Hebi-tenshi?"Naruto asks a little upset as his eyes well up with tears that begin streaming down his cheeks.

"P-Plushie-kun. . .It really is you." Anko says pulling him into a tight embrace which he happily reciprocates with a fox like grin.

"Anko this is the Plushie-kun you constantly talked about? I thought he was dead?" Ibiki says confused.

"So did i. . .Danzo Shimura came to me one night 2 years ago on Naru-kun's birthday saying he had been killed and showed me a blonde haired blue eyed corpse soaked in Naru-kuns blood. . . .I thought he was dead." Anko says not letting of Naruto for now just content holding the little guy in her arms trying to make up for the 2 full years she wasn't there.

"Danzo? He got to you? That bandaged up decrepit asshole told me you were dead and showed me corpse like yours only it had the Curse mark of heaven on it as well. . . I thought it was you cause i know only you had that seal Tenshi-chan." Naruto says holding the Tobuketsu Jonin nuzzling his face into her breasts not caring how he's getting glares from most of the jealous men in the room.

"I thought i lost you Hebi-tenshi . . .after you were gone I was so alone i almost couldn't take the villagers increased hate." Naruto says as Anko just smiles some licking the blood off Naruto's cheek.

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