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Welcome back to the chapter 36 of "History Altered".



"Demonic Voice"



(Uzushio Time chamber, Training: day 90)

Mathias never thought Manipulation could truly be used in such a way as to grant one flight from it's use. At the 90 day mark after the training for flight was finished Mathias decided to see if anything else could be done with Manipulation of different chakra natures. Looking at the soldiers before him he knows that he can train them in many more arts of this world. With his experimented mind and the sound theories of physics for the realms he knows he can turn these 6 into an elite force of shinobi unlike any the elemental Nations have ever seen. He decides that it's time to drop the kid gloves. He's going to not only train Naruto. No, he will train each shinobi in this chamber to be Elite, unstoppable killing machines on the battlefield. He softly snickers to himself knowing that if he can take the supposed Dead Last of the academy and turn him into Marine. . . He could truly call himself a teacher.

Mathias decides that by the end of their time in the chamber All 6 of these Ninja will be an elite Shinobi core the likes of which all forms of ANBU divisions, Black ops, Spec ops, Secret Ops or otherwise have never seen nor can match. Literal Ninja Marines all of which will be able to train another group of Genin in the way's of true warfare with different skills. At the end of the 3rd month when all the participants are panting and sweaty from the training he just looks around at them. Noticing Jiraya is worse off He walks over to check on him. The old man is tired but just slightly more so then the others. Mathias's essence is bleeding into Jiraya at an astounding rate. The old man already looks like he's lost a decade off his 50+ years of life. Checking the others Mathias smirks and places his fingers into his mouth blowing hard on his fingers making an ear splitting whistle gaining thier attention.

"Congratu-Fucking-Lations people. You all have obtained what was once thought Impossible without machinery. You can all Fly without the use of anything more then Wind Manipulation. This little experiment came about with 100 percent success rate and that opens a whole new world of possibilities for Chakra Manipulation. Which means Naruto you will be spending half your time with me working on experimental Manipulation exercises to see if anything takes root. I already know one exercise that will completely blow the lid off the competition. I'm proud of you all. We can take a break for the rest of the day so thats 14 hours of relaxation. Any questions?" Mathias asks once more expecting none and getting Several hands raised.

"You didn't think this exercise would work?" Karin asks adjusting her glasses after she wipes her head free of sweat.

"No I didn't. Honestly i thought the most we could do was Levitate off the ground a few feet at most. Our results were astonishing as all 7 of us can now obtain not only levitation. But high altitude flight and sustain it indefinitely so long as we don't over exert ourselves." Mathias answers looking towards Jiraya.

"Would you mind sharing some Jutsu you know with me so i can actually put my new youth to use? I want to be able to use more then a technique my student created. Summoning and a few fire jutsu. I can practice with it in my spare time when I'm not training Naruto." Jiraya asks getting a nod from mathias.

"Sure i don't mind sharing my knowledge with you. Not all that hard you know." Mathias says casually thinking of what he needs to write down on scrolls for Jiraya. He looks over to Kushina who is deep in thought at the moment. She keeps her hand raised and then looks at Naruto. Her face gains a beautiful smile as she turns to Mathias asking him.

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