Please stay alive

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Welcome back to the chapter 61 of "History Altered".



"Demonic Voice"



The demon and Naruto head forward to fight. The demon launching forward to slam a thrust punch into Naruto's head only to have Him roll into the floor and grab hold of the demons waist and spin him around and slam him into the ring making the demon bounce into the air only to roundhouse kick the demon and leap forward slamming a punch into its midsection with harsh power. The demon bounces and lands on its feet dazed only to have Naruto race forward and go to slam punch the demon. The demon comes out of his daze and blocks the strike but shoulder charges Naruto and kicks his feet out from under him. Only to kick Naruto in the dick and punch him in the balls before also upper cutting him in the hip and hooking him in the kidney. Naruto feeling this coughs up a bit of blood before seeing the demon go for another hook punch to get his other kidney. Acting quickly Naruto spins dodging the blow only to punch the demon in the face breaking it's combo.

The demonized Madara lands on its feet and both Naruto and he stare one another down only to have the demon see Naruto right up in his face with a slam punch landing it square in his head. Knocking the demon back only to have it block the next few boxing jabs to its face and to take a few punches to the gut. The demon takes a left hook at Naruto who dodges easily and takes the opening as he attacks landing a few kidney shots as well into the demon. Dodging a left hook uppercut Naruto ducked and lands a few more jabs to the demons already fucked up face.

Madara angrily growls and throws a right hook only to have Naruto duck under it as well as the following left hook. Naruto leans backwards like he's limbo to dodge the left handed backslap contorts to flip dodging the right uppercut that sends the demon forward leaving Naruto to once again punish the retarded madman of a demon only to have the demon get wise and immediately back hand with his right making Naruto take a step back only to dodge another left hook. That follows into a right hook left hook Right low jab combo. Making the demon angry who then kicks out Naruto's feet and uppercuts him in the back making him flip in the air only to land on his feet a moment later.

Naruto not wasting time runs forward at the demon as they both charge up a massive hit using every last ounce of strength they have in their bodies landing the blows with each others fists sending cracks radiating outwards through the floor of the spherical ring while literally quaking the very foundations of hell itself from the force and strength of the punch. Naruto and the Madara demon match each other's strength blow for blow as the other doesn't the opponent the even ground to fight. Both having a few high strength punches thrown in shaking the area with each matched punch and one punch is strong enough to send both fighters sliding backwards away from one another.

The demon Madara in an attempt to end it charges his full power into his next attack swirling his arm around to loosen the muscle before Launching forward at Naruto and psyche punching him by spinning around Naruto's punch and landing a few ultra strength punches to Naruto's head and face feeling the bone beneath his fist crush into powder from the massive strength he put into the punches. The demon smiles happily and charges more of its energy into its left fist.

"You won't even hear the full 10 count from Kami. Why don't you just go to hell!" Madara yells as he charges forward slamming the hardest punch it has ever done into Naruto's skull hoping to pop it open like a watermelon as the sphere around both combatants shatters like glass and explodes outwards as a massive crater spanning the Entirety of a place Mathias once said was named California explodes into existence making Madara think he's won as Naruto taking the hit is thrown for a loop as he spins a bit in the air only to land on his front face first into the crater not moving for a second. Naruto slowly gets to his knees as his head is spinning from the punch obviously thrown off his balance and in intense physical pain as he bleeds. He himself growls a bit angrily at the cheap shots to the back of his head and face as well as the nut shots. He looks to the demon and slams a fist into the crater sending a shockwave as well as a new barrier into existence before punching a literal hole into Hell itself blasting the chunk beneath them hurling to the ground faster than light as it smashes into the ground beneath the 4th circle of hell. The entire platform Naruto and Madara fighting on shattering like a fragile porcelain figure. The area around Naruto Radiating with such power and strength Madara is thrown for a loop as his eyes widen feeling the intense power behind this soldier. Naruto turns to face Madara while calling out to the demon. "I AIN'T DONE!"

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