Uzumaki vs Uchiha

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Welcome back to the chapter 44 of "History Altered".



"Demonic Voice"



(Combatant area.)

Soon the area in the combatants lounge is engulfed in darkness before a figure rises out of it. The male wearing what looks like a simple very dark black and gray robe with a high collar stretching to be just below the top of the back of the head. Along the arms of the robe are solid bone pieces made to be armor. The chest plate looking like a thick rib bone stretching around the chest where at the sternum a nub is formed in the shape of a small spike. On the abdomen of the top piece is the literal skull face of some demonic being with darkish blue glowing eyes. His pants form fitting and much the same with a bone chunk belt wrapping around his waist with two blue bottles filled with a liquid no one can really identify which also glow blue. His boots solid black with intricate designs woven in along with a frontal tapestry of runes leading down to just below the knees which hangs off the front of the belt.

The male's face seems to be an ash covered skull with a horridly demonic presence giving off a faint navy blue glow to outline his features. with the same blue energy and aura surrounding his eyes as it wisps off them both from the sides. His gaze rather demonic as a blackened hood is worn to shadow his face making the glowing even more prominent. The male turns to Naruto and stares him down before crossing his arms over his chest. His Twin daggers having a glowing blue runes on them which states "Dark" on the right handed dagger. the left handed one reads to all who see it "Hand" as the daggers give off a faint pulsing glow of energy near the blades. The handles of said daggers appear to be the claw bones of dragons.

"Sensei you're not fooling anyone with that change of wardrobe. What the hell happened to you anyway? Where were you the last 20 minutes?" Naruto asks angrily as the darkness fades from the room immediately being sucked into the male's body who is currently starring his student down.

"Getting my ass kicked that's what I've been doing. I slaughtered all that i was supposed to and even after that it turns out That IDIOT summoned something he shouldn't have. And cause of that i have no doubt i will die this day." Mathias says to his student as he looks at them repairing and cleaning up the Arena from the garbage that was thrown down there due to the nara giving up mid fight.

"Sensei . . .i hope that wherever you end up . . .you'll be happy." Naruto says hugging his sensei from behind who just pats his students hands before nodding himself.

"Hai . . I do as well." Mathias says before Naruto lets him go. Mathias is brought into his own thoughts as he dreams of a world where their truly is no real evil, No bad or hurtful wars. Where the world's inhabitants accept the faults and inconsistency of everything that they are and that the different races and species live in harmony and peace. Where instead of fighting, diplomacy and a few stern looks and words can do just as much as a fight. He then draws into his only dream. . .a dream he may never have due to his lord deciding it is his time. He sighs and reaches over patting Naruto's head before pointing down to the arena.

"Okay squirt it's your match now the arena is cleaned. Remember don't use your kenjutsu on Gaia since it won't work. Her absolute defense is just as good as yours if not better. . .be careful otouto and kick some ass." Mathias says as he explodes in a large green ball that screams out in agony as if the cloud was a tortured soul being carved into pieces before he reappears behind the Hokage in the Kage box.

"Naruto dude. . . your sensei is fucking scary." Shino says in a rare show of Emotion as he pats his friend on the back.

"Yeah he is. . . but that's just how he appears. In actuality he's just a giant fucking teddy bear you can confide in." Naruto says as His sensei leans in whispering something to the Hokage who just gains a smile and a look of pure and utter relief.

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