Minato vs Kushina

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Welcome back to the chapter 46 of "History Altered".



"Demonic Voice"



"You sick bastard Danzo. How dare you sully the hokage's memories by using that horrible jutsu on them." Hiruzen says as Hashirama, Tobirama and Minato all walk out of the Coffins only to stare at Hiruzen and all just snicker a bit.

"Wow Saru-chan . . .it looks like time really took a bo staff to your face. You look to be about like 90 years old." Tobirama says with a chuckle.

"Yeah really Hiruzen. You look older then that ancient bag of bones the Shodaime tsuchikage." Hashirama says.

"Sarutobi so good to see you. How's my little weapon Naruto doing?" Minato says surprising Hiruzen at his words.

"Sensei. . . Hashirama. . .Minato. I'm afraid you've been used by Danzo in an attack on the leaf in an attempt to take over as hokage. Minato what do you mean your little weapon? Naruto's a human being not a weapon." Hiruzen says a little confused.

"Huh? Hiruzen didn't you read the file operation backlight? Naruto was supposed to get the 9 tailed fox sealed inside him and then trained to be a weapon to protect the leaf with his dying breaths. Only to then at age 25 be chained and used as breeding stock to make more powerful weapons to keep konoha safe for centuries to come. I mean come on the uzumaki immortality gene makes it so he will never age and constantly be able to give powerful weapons." Minato says smiling.

"Minato . .. you only wanted naruto to be a weapon? He's a little boy with a heart and soul not some tool to be used and tossed aside." Hiruzen asks a bit stunned the one he chose to be hokage would do such a thing.

"Of course, sensei Danzo and i came up with that plan long ago when i was graduating the academy. I'd get Kushina to fall for me, get her pregnant then the first chance i get steal Kyuubi from her and seal it inside Naruto. Fake Naruto's death so Kushina leaves and then train naruto to be a weapon for Konoha's protection as we prove only we deserve to be a hidden village while ruling the elemental nations. Naruto then would breed strong children which also end up weapons to protect new Konoha. That masked man's appearance the night our weapon was born just gave us someone to blame for the incident." Minato says shocking both previous hokage's and Hiruzen.

"MINATO YOU FUCKING TEME. I WILL END YOU FOR WHAT YOU WERE PLANNING" An enraged voice says. Hiruzen turns around seeing it was Kushina who was now standing in front of Hiruzen with a fire in her eyes that immediately says her current state is a rank 15 on a 1-10 scale of rage.

"Kushina? What are you doing alive? You were supposed to die that night? I thought you'd be so grief stricken you'd kill yourself." Minato says a little confused.

"You teme i'd never kill myself. It wouldn't even be possible you idiot. So i left only to find out 12 years later that my little Naru-koi was alive all this time. I thought you loved me and him but hearing this . .. oh you are going to get it mister. Hiruzen, leave this Teme to me. He's going to be sent back to the shinigami in the worst way possible." Kushina says as she takes out her Katana.

"Oh hush kushina. I was only doing what was right for the village. You're acting like he's your lover or something." Minato says only to see Kushina blush with a dreamy smile on her face.

"Whats with that face kushina?" Minato asks a bit confused.

"Oh nothing, It's just that MY sochi-koi and I are in fact married. He asked me before the start of the Chuunin exams. It was so romantic when he asked me a second time at his hidden forest in the cloudera forest he sealed away in his pocket dimension before we came here." Kushina says with a happy smile on her face.

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