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Welcome back to the chapter 50 of "History Altered".



"Demonic Voice"



Mathias looks up at the massive creature and begins loading his guns. He sighs some reciting what he knows as fact.

"Beliel the Fallen titan. Born of divine power and given life to taint those to your will simply to test the souls of those loyal to her. You can not be harmed by items of holy or unholy make. . . You can only be destroyed and harmed by MAN and it's weapons. Leave and don't return or you will fight me. Remember the last fight we had Dad." Mathias says looking dead into his father's face who just laughs some being unable to talk as his last fight with Mathias left him in a rather weakened state what with his skull being shot wide open and his throat slit. All in all the fight left him with a gaping hole in the head which with the current ritual was fixed while also turning him mute.

Sending down tendrils of dark energy, Mathias's father begins the battle with his son. The tendrils slamming and slashing in any and all directions in an attempt to hit Mathias. Knowing he was once again given life by Danzo's ritual and sacrifices which was the entire invasion Beliel feels confident. All souls dying and injured were given to him as tribute to raise him from his death so Danzo could get his wish.

Mathias to weak to use really any of his skillsets just sighs and purges the chakra energies from his body entirely as they would only weigh him down and make his attacks useless against the titan that is his father. Switching to Dark-Hand Blademaster set of skills Mathias is able to make sure he'll be sturdy enough to destroy his father as The closer he is to death the harder and faster he will be able to hit. In his state he is rather quick and begins dodging the tendrils that slam spin and strike at him Mathias begins unloading his machine guns into his father's body aiming at the joints for the arms. Making sure to dump full clips into each weak point on his father Soon at the shoulder enough flesh is removed to show a glowing yellow pus filled ball only to than have it explode as Mathias fires a large rocket at it blowing the limb off Beliels body. The roar of pain that follows is only topped by the second arm that gets blasted off in much the same way.

Mathias not relenting continues to dodge the fast striking and powerful tendrils that seem to aim directly at him. Dodging expertly he is taken by surprise as during one of his dodges his body convulses stopping his movements onto to have a tendril slam into mathias crushing him into the earth only to them be punched rather hard by his father's massive fist. Beliel grabs hold of Mathias and lifts him into the air and away from mathias's Machine gun. Mahtias struggling a little grabbing at it only pushes it away before getting lifted into the air. Mathias looking worriedly at his father gets wrecked as his father takes this time to slam and smash mathias into the mountainside, the ground below and even throwing him at the dirt before lifting him up once more.

Already broken Mathias ignores the pain and grabs at his most powerful pistol labeled "The Unmaker" as it was made with his father's previous body parts. Taking aim and pulling the trigger a massive energy ball is shot into his father's skull directly onto the sealing array on his head which is acting as his link and gateway to this world. In a roar of agony Beliel drops Mathias who plummets to the earth rather quickly only to crash and bounce a few times before getting to his feet slowly. He once again grabs hold of his machine gun putting it away before aiming the unmaker at his father and once again begins firing at his body.

The unmaker doing a damn good job at blowing away thick and heavy chunks of flesh away from the beast as it's arms are once again removed leaving only two. Mathias reloads the unmaker only to get forced into dodging energy volleys as well as the darkened tentacles and his own father's rage induced punches and stomps.

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