Army Slayer

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Welcome back to the chapter 43 of "History Altered".



"Demonic Voice"



"That Naruto is why you can not defy fate. You see-" (A/N: Yeah we all know how this goes down. Hinata is kidnapped by Kumo bastards and Neji's father Hizashi takes the blame of his brother Hiashi and is killed by Kumo instead.)

"And that is why you can not go against Fate. . .No matter how hard you try." Neji says crying at the Memory of his father before glaring at his uncle and the main branch Hyuuga who are in attendance.

"Neji . . .I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. . . I really am. No one should live like a slave in their own home. That seal on your head. . . .It's actually a modified Uzumaki torture seal we used on Traitors. After this match i will remove it from you and you can never again be put under it's cursed effects. But i feel there is more to this story then you think. Speak with your Uncle I'm sure he'll explain the whole truth to you rather than the Lies spewed by the Hyuuga Elders." Naruto says knowing full well what happened that night. Hiding in the forests around Konoha and in the alley ways between Clan housing did have it's advantages.

"Y-You know. .. You know how to remove this seal? I, I would be forever in your debt if you were to do That Naruto. . . .But i wont believe it until it actually happens Until then We have a match to finish." Neji says glaring at Naruto not really Believing him but holding out a small chance of hope that what was spoken is true.

Naruto and Neji both smirk at one another before they yell at the top of their lungs.

"FINAL ROUND!" Both Neji and Naruto charge one another ready to clash once again. Naruto gets under Neji's guard by slide kicking out his feet only to bend kick his legs upwards and smash Neji in the ribs Sending him into the air only to have Naruto push off the ground and backflip kick him in the face only to have his clone slam in and drop kick Neji in the head.

Neji flying backwards Substitutes with one of the airborne Kunai from the clash and takes a strike towards Naruto only to be blocked and grabbed around the waist before getting Suplexed into the dirt. Naruto turns around ready to kick Neji in the head only to have Neji Quickly rise to his feet Using Kaiten. The Rotation giving Neji Room has him Race forward as fast as he can before strike punching Naruto dead center in the face, then the right cheek and finally the left before Neji gets in under Naruto's guard and elbows him in the stomach to get him off guard enough before his eyes Flash the Byakugan to life once more.

"You are within the realm of my Divination. "Hijutsu 16 trigrams 236 Palms" (16 Trigrams secret Technique: 236 palms.)

Neji yells out shocking every Main Branch and branch clan Hyuuga in attendance as Neji strikes as fast as he is able to.

"2 palms, 4 palms, 8 palms, 16 palms, 32 palms, 64 palms, 128 palms, 236 PALMS." with each palm strike Neji closes off his Tenketsu. The strikes all adding up rather quickly. To many Neji's hands are just a blur and can't be seen normally. Neji being a true Prodigy in the Hyuga arts is able to strike nearly at the speed of sound. Each strike quickening his already impressive speed making it so each chakra laced finger strike is sending chakra all around him in strings as if he was threading hundreds of needles at once. All in all Neji strikes Naruto 490 times in under 5 seconds.

Naruto on the last strike is sent flying backwards after the the last strike explodes with chakra when it meets with the abundance that is seeped into the air from the attack hurling naruto rather quickly into the stadium wall.

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