Goodbye Konoha !

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Welcome back to the chapter 52 of "History Altered".



"Demonic Voice"



Standing in the 6' blonde haired boys place now stands a 6' 3' hunk of a man. The male in front of Hiruzen is wearing a pair of the denim Jeans Mathias always wore along with a deep blue and masterfully crafted Full hoodie. Black fur lines the inside of the hood as well as the inside torso while the entirety of the arms and outer fabric seem to be made of the strongest and finest quality spider silk. The males open toed sandals are now replaced with deep black leather steel toe combat boots. Naruto's eyes reveal that instead of the mariner blue in both Only his right eye is that deep of a shade as his left eye is now a gorgeous emerald green. His whisker marks are still present and very visible making his angular features even more prominent and increasing his apparent sex appeal. His once sun blonde hair is now a exquisite sapphire blue with the consistency of a vixens fur. His hair retained it's spikiness and Naruto just smiles at Hiruzen.

The two other most noticeable features on naruto's face besides his whisker marks were his now Dagger sharp teeth and two scars. One on each eye but they go in different directions. One scar points down as the other points upwards into his hairline suggesting that in his hurry to heal Naruto Mathias had cut a bit too deep into him to get the destroyed eyes out.

"B-Before we got out of the Chamber. . . .when Tou-san gave me his eyes and Rinnegan. . . .I asked him if he could replace my real Tou-sans DNA with his own. . . .When he asked why i only told him that i didn't want to look like my father anymore but in all honesty i think he knew that the real reason was because i wanted to look like the man i truly considered to be my tou-san. He did it with a smile on his face and joy in his heart. When the procedure was done i woke up looking like this. Not his exact copy as i only got his hair and eye color, teeth and body build. . . .But i was so happy i almost cried then and there. He smacked me and said now that he was essentially my father he wouldn't have me crying like a bitch. He trained me better than that." Naruto says as he rubs the back of his head. Kushina, Mikoto, Kaguya, Karin, Orochimaru and even Tayuya are all Looking at him as they drool licking their suddenly dry lips.

"Naruto my boy. . .. Mathias would be so proud to hear you say that. He'd also love that you're now going to and i quote him "Rock the shit out of that" Unquote. You're a very handsome man and i fear for every nation's populace as I'm sure when you walk by woman of all ages and looks will literally throw themselves at you. . . .Naruto take the picture on Mathias's Casket. I have a double in my office so that i may never forget him nor you. Just remember You can't hold onto him forever. Let him go when you're ready. Now i believe you have plans?" Hiruzen tells Naruto

"H-Hai, Thanks Jiji. . . that honestly makes this easier since I can take it. It's the only picture i have of Tou-sans real face. Knowing i can come back after this so called training trip I'll leave after I say a few words to Mathias's Kaa-san." Naruto says as Hiruzen nods at this. Giving the boy one last bear hug Sarutobi stands up with Naruto and gives him a smile before walking back to the village's kage tower knowing that life in the village will be without it's usual light and warmth. Planning ahead as he usually did, Mathias suggested to the hokage to make one of his previous students take his hat so he can enjoy his retirement. Following just that He had Sent Jiraiya out just before the invasion to get her. She should be here sometime in the next week.

Naruto turns to face Kalameet and walks over to her. At first he hated the dragoness. Called her the worst of things possible and even angrily yelled at her calling her a cunt for what she did to her son. Fighting and nearly killing him leaving him so injured he died do the damage his body had when fighting the demons and his father as well as her. But after the time Kushina and the others spent talking to him and even through Mathias's own words in a journal left for Naruto he had soon come to terms with Kalameet not being the reason for his death. Though it still hit him like a freight train and hurt just as bad when it happened. He merely looks towards the crying Immortal dragoness and clenches his fists.

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