Fighting Demon!

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Welcome back to the chapter 39 of "History Altered".



"Demonic Voice"



(Destination currently unknown.)

Naruto wakes up a bit disoriented as he looks around at his surroundings. No longer inside the training room as he knew it as the ground beneath him is solid stone with a sky as red as blood with clouds thick with soot and ash indicating deadly fires. Looking around himself Naruto sees that he is inside a rather strange cave with the only light beaming through is the hole he stared out of when he first awoke to see the sky and next to him is something even stranger. A large stone etched with a peculiar mark with an evil ominous glow to it. Walking up to the stone Naruto puts his hand on it as the energy zaps his hand forcing his eyes to cloud over for a moment before a demonic voice speaks to his mind.

"In the first age when the shadows of hell first lengthened to grab hold of the true realm. One soul stood firm. Burned by the fires of Armageddon, his form forever changed by the fires of hell and his soul tainted beyond ascension. He chose the path of perpetual bloodshed. In his ravenous blood lust, He found no peace, and with boiling blood of rage he scoured the ephemeral plains seeking revenge against the damned souls who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the true lord and those that tasted the might of his fury Named him . . . . "Jack of blades".

Naruto was freaked out at the voice before shuddering at the meaning. He stood up and left the cave peering only at death and destruction. Demons of all sizes ranging from 5' to even 20 feet tall stood around one another fighting, killing, eating each other and anything else that seemed to catch their eyes. Naruto freaked out by the sight before retreats back into the cave to try and hide from those creatures hoping none of them can find him.

"Okay naruto calm down, You just happen to be in some strange dimension without your sensei or knowledge of if you can beat these things. They seem strong . . . super strong actually . .. they don't seem to think all to much and attack everything they see unless a hapless soul walks by like that one blonde guy with the red shirt talking about bubblegum before he was torn to shreds by that giant red thing that threw a green ball at him." Naruto shudders as he walks deeper inside the cave till he comes upon a strange glowing pad. He just shudders wondering what it could be only to shrug his shoulders and step onto it.

Instantly Naruto is teleported in a bolt of red energy to another location. This time with the body of a burned skeleton next to him. An arrow in his kneecap with what looks like a horned Iron clad helmet covering his head. Naruto realizes this man must have been extremely powerful to have survived long enough with his injuries to get here. He sees another stone with energy around it. He gulps hard and nods his head once before touching the stone letting the energy fill him once again as the tale begins anew.

"Tempered by the fires of hell God's chosen soldier Jack of blades remained steadfast amongst the path that wears down weaker wills. For he alone was the walker of worlds, The unchained monster who sought retribution in all quarters. Darkness and light, Fire and Ice, In the beginning and towards the end. He hunted the Slaves of hell with Vicious brutality. For he passed through dimensions as none but divine and unholy before."

Naruto was a bit freaked out again as the story went on. He just shudders at the thought of what the story could mean for him and his sensei Mathias right now. Speaking of his sensei he wondered exactly where he had gotten off to. Shrugging his shoulders he just sighs some and heads forward to the entrance to the cave he is in again seeing demons tear the souls and flesh of others apart like nothing before devouring them or each other. He shudders and just heads inside the cave seeing another pad to step on to get out of this area. He sighs and gives into the instinct within him and steps on the pad once again being teleported to a separate cave.

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