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Welcome back to the ninth chapter of "History Altered".



"Demonic Voice"



(Land of waves, Market district, Vegtable stand.)

Naruto and Tsunami walk into the market district and he follows her into the first Vegetable shop she see's Heading inside with her Naruto looks around and sees barely anything up for sale. Knowing the reason for that Naruto frowns before hearing Tsunami speak.

"Hello? Is anyone in? Kushi-chan, I have someone that you might like to meet." Tsunami says happily as someone walks out from the back of the store. Naruto looks at the woman that walks out and only one word comes to his mind.

"G-Goddess" Naruto says silently hoping neither of hear him. The woman in front of his has the fairest and softest looking cream tanned skin he has ever seen on a woman. A nice heart shaped face lined perfectly with her deep blood red crimson hair that reaches just past her butt. Her plump DD cup sized breasts seeming to fit snugly inside her dress. as she walks out looking at Tsunami with a smile.

"Ahh Tsunami-san it's good to see you. The owner is in the back i just came by to get my supplies before leaving to free our friends and leave wave. . . .Whos the cute blonde with you?" Kushina says looking towards Naruto with a smile on her face noticing a konoha headband on his head.

"Oh Kushina-chan this is Naruto-kun. Naruto-kun this is Kushina." Tsunami says introducing them to each other.

"H-Hi, M-My name is Naruto, N-Naruto Uzumaki. What's your name?" Naruto asks a little embarrassed by the red headed beauty infront of him as he extends his hand to her.

Kushina looks at the blonde in anger as her KI begins rolling off every inch of her body. "How dare you speak that name to me Konoha nin. How dare you use the name. What is this some kind of joke? Did one of those asshole Jonin from Konoha send you to torment me like some of the others? ANSWER ME!" Kushina says lifting Naruto off the ground by his collar. Kushina's hair lifting into the air and floating around forming what looks like the tails of Kurama.

"N-No i swear. . . my mother was an Uzumaki. Her name was Kushina just like you. Kushina 'The Crimson Blade' Uzumaki. I was told that she left konoha because of a lie told to her when i was born and no one has seen her since. . . I don't even know what she looks like. . . I've been completely alone since i was born until I got my sensei 3 months ago. I understand why she left when what happened happened. Hell I'd have done the same. . .I just want to find her so that we can go back to konoha and live as a family." Naruto says saddened at that thought while tears slip down his cheeks.

In that instant Kushina lets Naruto go who drops onto the floor as she looks down at the blonde boy in front of her. Noticing the whisker marks on his cheeks and the blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes she begins to tear up praying it would be true but knowing better she forms the ram sign.

"I don't think so i wont fall for this again. Not after the first time. KAI!" Kushina says trying to dispel the genjutsu or transformation the Nin has  in front of her only for naruto to stay standing infront of her. She continues repeating 'KAI' hoping to dispel it but nothing happens multiple times as her eyes well up with tears. Kushina grabs hold of Naruto and looks at him. She hesitantly reaches her hands forward and begins to rub her thumbs against his whisker marks forcing Naruto to blush a deep scarlet red as he begins to purr due to the actions of his mother. Looking at Naruto a bit before stabbing herself with a kunai in the arm seeing if it's all just a dream. looking at the blood leaking out of the wound after the pain subsides she just sighs some.

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