Bring it on

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Welcome back to the chapter 60 of "History Altered".



"Demonic Voice"



Hiruzen seeing another massive wave approaching from the south Growls out and with Enma in hand races off towards the southern entrance to the village and using the staff like a pole vault is able have it grow in size sending him flying into the air as he backflips while sifting through hand signs at blazing speeds only to stop and send the largest most destructive fire technique he knows taught to him by his brothers wife when he married into the Uchiha clan.

"Katon:Gōenkyū" (Fire release:Great Blaze Ball) As the words leave Hiruzen's mouth he inhales a large quantity of air and expels it out of his mouth as a bullet. The massive 50 foot diameter blazing white orb of fire crashes into the ground just outside the southern entrance into the massive horde of monsters exploding in a massive mushroom cloud that vaporizes that entire section of hell leaving nothing of the ground but a massive crater filled with glass and ash as Hiruzen fights with Enma at the southern entrance alone knowing this will be his end and not caring because he got to fight alongside his grandson.

"Naruto-kun, I'm sorry i couldn't be there for you when you needed me most. I'm sorry your life was not what it could have been. My only hope is that with this last act of fight in my body you'll come to forgive me. You say you forgive me but deep down i know you still resent i wasn't able to do anything. I regret every little bit of pain you were forced to endure and i'll never forgive myself even if you do. Goodbye Naruto-kun. I love you my grandson." Hiruzen says as tears fill his eyes. Hiruzen calling upon his entire chakra stores as well as the power of his Pyromancy begins glowing an intense white as if engulfed in flames himself.

"Enma my old friend. . . .Go back to the Summon realm. Give the scroll of the monkey summons to my grandson Konohamaru in spring Country. This is the last battle i shall see. Teach my grandson everything i knew and that you have taught me. I'll miss you my old friend." Hiruzen says as the staff in his hands turns back into the massive man sized white furred monkey who just looks at the flame encased Hiruzen knowing what technique this is.

"Hai Sarutobi-Kun. But it is not up to me who signs the contract anymore. It is my daughter as she is the new inheritor of the contract and my techniques. I'll ensure he signs and make her his personal summon. It was good fighting beside you my friend. You will be missed." Enma says as a few tears greet his cheeks when they begin flowing. Hiruzen using his mastery of flames has it so the fires will not harm the monkey king and he gives the Monkey king a tight hug as tears of his own flow. The monkey king Poofs away after a set time has passed and the monkey king feels he's satisfied. Hiruzen Races forward towards the massive Army's center punching and kicking his way through the demons not only breathing Fire and launching orbs of it at all those around him. He makes sure that he does as much damage as possible while racing forward and devastating the landscape.

Hiruzen when he knows is in the center of the army when he sees a giant 6 legged arachnoid like brain in a cyber walker just smirks rather Heavily as this is obviously the last wave of demons sent to take this chunk of land. Hiruzen puts his hands up and once again flies through hand signs with his eyes closed as time seems to slow. In Hiruzen's mind his thoughts turn to Naruto and how much time he spent with the child. Hiruzen's mind thinking of the time He gave Naruto tips and training in stealth. Naruto and him at Ichiraku Ramen and even Naruto at the Sarutobi compound the few times he took Naruto there to read him bedtime stories. Hiruzen begins crying softly as he comes to terms with himself and his current sacrifice.

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