Match Stars

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Welcome back to the chapter 32 of "History Altered".



"Demonic Voice"



(Sasuke Uchiha Vs. Yoroi Akado.)

"Hmph So I'm paired with a loser. You should just give up now. No one can match the power of an Uchiha elite like me." Sasuke says a little arrogantly as everyone but his opponent leave to the viewing platforms.

"Oh please a runt like you isn't worth the dirt between my toes. I'll show you that you're just as flawed as the rest of us Uchiha." Yoroi says as he smirks underneath his mask.

"I'm not flawed like you trash. I am perfect. I make no mistakes and i will win this." Sasuke says before naruto pipes up.

"Oh so it's a perfect decision to just ABANDON ME a fellow Leaf nin alone to fight a stronger more skilled opponent to save your own neck? That girl may have been sexy but that's still not something a comrade should do." Naruto says incredulously still pissed off at sasuke for that stunt back when he was forced to fight that snake goddess Orochimaru.

"Shut it dobe, You should feel honored that i deemed you worthy enough to die protecting me. Kami's gift to the Shinobi world." Sasuke says letting his Uchiha pride shine through as Naruto gags a little while Mathias vomits up some blood onto the railing infront of himself.

"Yoroi i don't know you but please. . .PLEASE kick his ass. You don't have to win but just make him suffer." Naruto says looking to Yoroi who just nods happily at naruto.

"With pleasure" Yoroi says with a smirk under his little face shroud.

"Alright are both fighters ready?"Gekko says getting a nod from both fighters.

"HAJIME" Gekko says before Shunshining to the viewing platform with the hokage to watch how things turn out.

(A/N: We all know how this goes. I'm going to waste time writing out a fight that no-one reads only to get an answer as to who is the one that wins. So i will only be writing out Important fights.)

(Sasuke Uchiha Vs. Yoroi Akado. Same as Cannon Sasuke wins.)

"See i told you dobe No one is better then" Sasuke begins to say as he passes out. The curse mark receding into his neck as this happens.

"BOO Eh sasuke. . .YOU SUCK" Naruto says with a slight Snicker While Mathias chuckles some high fiving his student as Sakura screeches.

"SHUT UP NARUTO-BAKA. SASUKE-KUN WAS AWESOME." Sakura says having not really payed attention to much only her sasuke kun and how 'Awesome' he was.

"Alright the next match up is as follows." Gekko says pointing to the computer which is once again shuffling through names before softly speaking a monotone female voice.

( Next match: Zaku Abumi Vs. Skino Aburame FIGHT!)

"My arms may still be busted seeing as i can only move one. But i can still kick your ass Bug boy." Zaku says smirking rather evilly.

"As my friend Naruto would say. Come get your ass kicking." Shino says in a rare show of his sense of humor mimicking Naruto. The later of which smiles at his friend before giving a thumbs up.

"Kick his ass Shino." Naruto says with a smirk getting a nod from shino.

"Both fighters ready?" Gekko asks looking at both of them Nod he raises his hand Once again.

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