Chapter 21

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Riley's P.O.V

After the Wilsons left .I pushed Shane out of room because I knew he'd ask me about the picture. I reflected on all that I did today . I actually had fun. And I danced which is surprising thou.I like my life in New York better than when I'm on England .

"Riley open the freaking door." Shane screamed

"Not gonna happen! " I screamed back

I heard him mutter something. Then I heard retreating steps .




I heard  his door shut.I opened the door and peeked outside an the passage was clear .I tip toed downstairs to the kitchen to get some water,   I felt dehydrated all of a sudden .I walked to kitchen took the bottle out and began to drink .I heard a door slam.You know like in movies when the person walks downstairs to get something and then hear something upstairs .Well that's exactly whats going on .

     I walked swiftly upstairs and in my room . I looked at the time and saw that it was only 8 .I sighed. This day is going pretty slow .I lay down in my bed to sleep then felt someone presence beside. I turn around to see Shane smiling evilly at me.

'Ahhhhh " I screamed and began hitting him .

"Riley.......don't.....not the face.....Riley ..... Stop!!!!"Shane screamed

"You scared the shit out me ". I yelled.

" oh okay ". Well I expected an apology. I turn around to hit him again but he flipped me over. He kissed me .I didnt kiss back at first seeing I was frightened .I started kissing back and the kiss got heated."Riley" Shane moaned in my ears. 

I grinned up at him,  tilting my head and say "I want to do this "

  His fingers ran through my hair,  making shivers run down my back at the ticklish sensation and he skimmed his nose down my neck. Soft kisses were pressed into my skin and my shaking hands tightened around his soft hair as he slowly kissed my neck.

           Weird yet pleasurable sensations churned in the pit of my stomach as Shane slowly lowered his lips from my soft-spot to the top of my  chest and turned his head to the side and looked me asking "Are you sure you want to do this ?"

       I nodded , wrapping my legs around his torso and yanked his shirt over his head.I grinned up at the wat his hair messed up,  managing to look sect as hell and then I traced my fingers down Hus abs.Heat so sexy.

    Shane shuddered above me as my fingers slowly travelled down his chest. I flip us over and let my hair fall around us like a curtain. I leaned forward,  suckinh his botton lip into my mouth as we began to make out heatedly. Our breathing became rugged and loud, our chests heaved up as our lungs fought to regain the oxygen it was losing as Shane and I kissed each other hungrily  .

   What his even funny is tat we rolled around the king sized bed mattress trying to fight each other into submission. A small groan escaped Shane's lips as I slowly kissed his shoulders and he trembled underneath me .

"Riley, please " he groaned low and throaty,"lets go play checkers or sleep or something. "

"You sure "

I asked

" Yes ".

"Okay ".

To say wasnt disappointed would have been a lie.

I guess the player isn't so bad after all .

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