Chapter 50

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Shane's P.O.V

I woke up to the best and worst news of my life. It'd be better if I was still passed out. I can't believe I passed out by the way.I missed getting to see when she gave life and when she named the baby without my decision all because I have a weak stomach. Still can't believed I passed out. I believe I passed out because I was in shock that sound better. Yeah I passed out because I was in shock. When I woke up the first thing I saw was Amielia.She is beautiful and delicate just like her mother is. She made me feel happy and complete. She had eyes like Riley's. And while I was there playing with Ameilia along with the others. Thats when we got the news.That Riley had passed away a few minutes after she gave birth.One of the nurse say that Riley is the strongest teenager she met that fully gave birth to her child without passing away during the process. She said she thought she was going to live because there wasn't any signs that she'd died.Upon hearing the news and became empty and numb. When I got home I cried myself to sleep. My mother took care of Ameilia while I'm at school.The others and I arranged days where we will take turns to take care of her.She's like the light in all of our light right now during our darkness moment.

We are currently at Riley's funeral. I'm sitting next to Tyler and have Ameilia beside me.She looks so peaceful and vulnerable. I looked forward watching the slideshow of Riley while here and when she's smaller. I couldn't hold the tears in my eyes.She looked so happy and vibrant in the pictures .And I missed her do much it hurts.They played a video I didn't know was being filmed at the time. When we were spraying them after they vandalise my car.Unfortunately Emily's mother video it.She was laughing and screaming at me to put her down and I did but sprayed her after and she was laughing. It made Mr and the others laughed at the memory but then I remembered it was only a memory and began crying again.
After the service Kyle asks us to meet him,say that he had something to give us.What I really wanted I couldn't get and that is Riley.
"Hey guys," he began and sniffed" Riley had asked me to give each if you these letters after her funeral.She says you should read it privately and exactly now has you get it okay?" He finishes.
"Yeah "
"Sure thing"
"Uh huh "
"Thanks Kyle"
"No problem anything for my best friend Riles"
We all open our letters.

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