Chapter 10

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Shane's P.O.V

"Ready to go?" Riley asks

I look up at her to answer when I saw what she was wearing.She wore a blue skirt, a white long sleeve of course and her hair wasnt down like usual.Sum it up. She looks smoking hot.
Did I just think that ?

Yes you did asshole.

Huh .Talking to myself again.

"Uh Shane you ready ?"She asks

"Uh yeah....yeah yeah I am.Lets go." I answered

Am I stuttering ? I the greatest sex goddess Shane Xavier Armstrong; just stutter.What the fuck?

"Okay " she answers plainly. Maybe she thinks its because of what happened yesterday. Yeah that's great right? She doesn't know that I like her. Thats good right?

"Shane we got 5 more minutes to go."

"Okay okay I'm coming."I answers


By the time we got to school. Riley got out before I could even offer to take her to her class. Ah well....

While walking to my class I heard a very annoying voice shouting at someone. What the fuck is up with winter ?

As I bend the corner I saw the most dreaded thing ever.Oh my God!!

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