Chapter 41

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Shane's P.O.V

Its being a day since Riley is missing and I'm losing it.The police doesn't even have lead to even know where she is.Someone went into house and was in Marcus's room looking for something.He refuse to tell us if he knew what they were looking for. That got me in suspicion .He is hiding something. And what he is hiding maybe the only thing that can save Riley and if he's just gonna sit and sulk and not tell the cops what he is suppose to save is own niece then I'm gonna have to get it out of him.One way or another .
Marcus's P.O.V

I heard a knocking on the door so I ran to door really expecting to see Riley or a police officer telling me they've found her but instead I saw Shane.I walk back to the table not waiting or caring if he come in or not.He came in and sat looking at me has if studying me.If I was in a good mood I'll probably call him gay.The thought of me saying that and see him expression made me laugh.And by the looks of it I probably look like a mad man right now.
"So Marcus what are you hiding?"Shane asks
"No hi hello how are you?"I asked
"Nope. Straight to the point.We have no time to waste. What you are hiding is probably the reason why she's missing.So what is it ?"
"Nothing. I don't know what you are on about."
"Marcus my suspicion says your hiding something in which you won't tell Riley."
"Well I'm not"
"You are and forgive me but you are fucking hiding something and if you don't tell me fucking now I swear to god I'll beat it out of "He steamed at me. Wow a threat.
"You wouldn't hit me and you know it." I retorted. I knew I was pushing me luck but there is no way he's getting an answer out if me.
"God damn it Marcus. Her parents might not care,others might not care, you might not care but I care and I love her so much.So at least do me one favor.Just once show me you care and love her by telling us what you're hiding .It night be of help. Please I'm begging. I need her."

Well that touched me at least a lil bit but nonetheless I still can't give the exact truth.
"Well I have alot enemies and any one of them could have took her. Why'd you think I don't have a girlfriend, because they'll use her against me.!"
" had enemies that you didn't think telling or warning Riley about it ?She's the one in danger not us. "
"Okay I'll go talk to the cops later on".I gave in. My neice life is more important than the business right now.
"Okay now do that. And give me a heads up when you do "
"Yeah whatever"I turn around and walk back to the kitchen to finish eating. I heard the door slam simply meaning that Shane is gone. I heard ran upstairs and let out a scream of frustration .I screamed and screamed .I then settled down on the ground and cry.
"I cant even keep my fucking niece safe ." I said to myself. I felt exhausted and defeated. I close my eyes awaiting sleep. But I got to keep strong for Riley.

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