Chapter 40

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Riley's P.O.V

Hands tied above head, naked and body bruised.I woke like this, and I feel distraught.I look around and saw that I was in a room.Only a door was there and a chair .I felt lonely and empty. As if I got no one. Do they even notice I'm missing? Well I guess they have but why aren't they here? Maybe because they don't know who took me. Okay its time to stop ask myself stupid questions.I remembered back in England when I was abducted just the way but the only difference is at least I'm in a room. I heard the door open and I looked up and saw him walked in along with two other men.I looked at him wondering what he'd really want from me.?
"Hi Riley, how are you doing?" He asks
"What'd you expect?Do you think I'm okay?"I asked rudely
He laughed before answering,"well you do got a fine body, its okay.No wonder Shane's so protective of it."he replied.I never felt so disgusted in my life.All wanted was to be ten feet under right now.I feel like I'd throw up any minute.
"What do you want from me?"I screamed at him.
"Well ms.Riley. I don't want anything from you. "
"Then why the fuck you abduct me for? To stare at my body? "I shouted again. I could hear myself echoing in the room.
"No no .No more shouting and I'll do the talking "
"Or else? "I challenged. I seriously don't know where all this bravery and anger came from but dang it feels good. But at the same time it might get me killed.Well at least I'll die knowing the people I care about.
"Or else? You get a spanking. Boys"
One if the men use a belt and hit me across my back a loud piercing scream echoed throughout the room. He slapped me again but this time the other man uses something to cut me and the first one would hit me on the freshly made cut. I screamed in pain and agony.
"Now if you cooperate you'll be out if here any minute. I just want to know where your uncle keep the chip." Chip? What chip has he talking about ?
"I don't know"my voice came out crooked.
"Your his niece and the only one at that. So he must have tell you about the chip "
"I don't know what chip your on about Mister."
"Well if you wanna play hard then hard you must play."
"No please please no. Please believe me I don't know what and where the chip is. Please let me go. I wont tell anyone your identity." I begged
"You see I know you wont tell anyone who I am so I won't worry about that. "With that he began walking away towards the door. He lefted .One of them was looking at me with pity and the other looked like he wanted to kill. He lounge the knife at me but before it connected I heard the sound of the knife on the floor .I looked up and saw him on the floor. I looked at the other one confused.
"I'm detective Sawyer and I'm working under cover. I'm here to help. So Riley I'm gonna get you some clothes if I can any. And I'll help you escape and you must promise me that you'll run straight home and when you get there tell my commissioner to send back up. Okay ".He finishes.
I nodded in response. He lefted the room and came back with a spandex shorts and a sports bra. He cut the rope and turn his back so that I can put on the clothing.He took me out the room and outside he told me to run and I did. I ran and ran until I felt like my legs gave up on me and everything went black.

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