Chapter 47

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* 6 months after*

My due date is drawing closer and closer each day, and even though I can't wait for the day to give birth to my child I really dreaded losing my life. Its a bitter sweet situation. I am thinking of writing letters or make video diaries to each person if I die.I've I've accepted the fact that death has to come.No one will live forever, some die young, some die old.Many pepple wouldn't accept the fact that they might or will die at a set date, but when you live a life I do you will be tired of living.Has if God is telling me that it is my time to rest in peacefully without destruction coming my way.Its just my time to rest and no one but me accepted it.
Shane get very possessive over the few months.If I walk down the step too fast Emily gets upset .Tyler comes once in a while to play card game; I can only play Go Fish.Kyle is here everyday after school to tell me school gossip and having alot of heart to heart conversation,he's my best friend.Even though he can be very dumb and childish at times.
I took up a paper and a pen and began to write the first letter.

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