Chapter 11

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A picture of what winter would like .


Riley's p.o.v

I rushed out of Shane's car to get to class because the tension was killing me.When I got to my locker I saw a girl .I smiled cause I thought it was Emily  but the girl had red hair and green eyes .She looked fierce. But she dress like a shank.I took a deep breath and walk to my locker open it and pretend like I didn't see her .

I close my locker and I was about to walk away I was pulled back by the girl .She held on to my hair. Bloody hell  !

"Listen here.Stay the fuck away from Shane or you wouldn't even wanna know what the hell I'll do to you.You understand? " she sneered

"Y-yeah." I didn't notice I was crying until I felt my cheeks wet.

"You're a fucking hoe. You are fucking with Shane,the twins and even that freaking fag Emily.You fucking cheap shank".she shouted.

Something stopped inside of me the moment she assumed I had sex with Emily .I turn around and punch her has hard as I could.In tired of this shit where people bully me.After she recovered from the hit I gave her she wiped away her blood and pushed me to the ground. I got up to hit her again but someone pulled her away. I notice everyone looking at me like shit. Just like the time I hit my past best friend. Its happening again.I was being humiliated all over again . Probably hated again. I look and saw Shane coming towards me .I got up and ran straight to my favourite place .The bathroom .

   I went in and locked the door,  I took out my blade.This time I was careful not to cut my wrist I cut my upper arm and let the blood flow.

         Every memory came back. Fear chokes me ,takes my breath away,  knocks me down to the deepest pit of sorrow and wrenches my heart. It engulfs me,  blind me, it binds me, full of shackles , suffocates me, reminds me of everything. It tires me .There is screams and shivers,  bad dreams and tremors and there is numbness.

I was taken out of my thoughts by hearing Shane's voice

"Riley ,open the door."he commanded

"Riley? "


"Open the door "


I sat back down and then suddenly the door was open .What the hell I thought I closed that.

He was sweating .He looked sexy yet awful. He is really good looking. Then the memory came back and I broke down again.

He came over and hugged me , at first it was comfortable then I remembered what she told me. I pushed him off  . I grab my bag and ran out of the bathroom. I didn't hear footsteps so it means that he hasn't come after me .

I ran outside and collided with someone.

"Hey watch where your goi-".

I recognise that voice .

"Hey Riles .What you doing out here. ? Whats wrong? " kyle asks

"Uh nothing .Just take me home please "

"Okay.I was planning on ditching anyway" he replied with a shrug .

After he took me home. He told me he'd return with the others. It seems he didn't know of anything that occur today. I sighed and fell asleep.

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