Chapter 43

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Shane's P.O.V

Two days since she's missing and it feels like a year. I can't sleep at nights. Marcus is a reck and the cops claims there doing the best they could. I feel devasted and depress. I lay down to get some sleep when my phone began ringing. I jumped and grabbed it answering it in the process. I expected to hear Riley's voice or more so the cops telling me they've found her. Instead I heard Samantha's voice. How did she even get my number is a mystery to me.

Phone Convo
Hey Shanee
I need your help
How so??
I need you to give me a ride to school. Why? Don't you have a car or sum'n? I asked agigated .
Yes but its at the garage getting fixed .Please just this one time
Okay I'll be there.
Okay bye bye
Uh huh
End of Convo

What did I just accepted to do? I guess it really isn't anything , we are over and I'm inlove with Riley. So its all okay. I put on a jeans and grab my car keys .I drove to Samantha's house and honk the car horn to signify that I'm here. She practicality ran to the car .She came in and I could sense the awkwardness building up.

"Hi " she said quirky as always
"So lets get to the point. I want you back Shane "
"What? "I asked .Is she blind or something. I have a girlfriend

"I want you back.I made a mistake cheating on you and I'm sorry.I lefted to do some soul searching and I've found my true desire. And that is to be with you .I need you Shane. "

"Are you fucking kidding me right now. We were dating good as ever and you cheated on me with my own friend and you think I'd forgive you. ? Has you can see I'm dating Riley."I was getting annoyed. I wanted so badly to stop and put her out.

"Riley?" She laughs before continuing"Really? Shane she's not your type. She is inexperienced and too emotional for you and you know it. "
"At least she's not a back stabbing manipulating hoe, like you are. She loyal and thats good for us. "
"Well that hurt but I'll keep trying. I wont give up".
I drove to school parking lot and everybody was staring at my car. I gave her a hint to get out and was just looking at me. I think she want to make a scene I'm not necessarily into at the moment.
"Get out .Would you "I almost shout at her
"Okay bye honey"She says and before I know it her lips were on mine. I pushed her off alarmed and she was just smiling. I streched over and open the door for her and gave her a soft push. She sigh and got out.
"You really miss me Shane I can see it "
"Fuck you Samantha " I called at her. Everyone in the parking was staring at me.I sigh and went back in the car. I hope Riley gets back.

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