Chapter 45

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Riley's P.O.V

I woke up in a soft cozy bed. I turn to the opposite side. Wondering why the dusty road would be so comfortable. The smell of cinnamon hit my nose and I noticed I really wasn't on the road. I opened my eyes and saw aan sitting there staring at me. To say I wasn't shock would be a lie. I jumped up alarmed and take a good look on the man to see if I recognised him. I didn't .He must have saw how I was looking at him. Because he rushed over to touch me and I began to kick and scream at him.He got a good grip of me and I began to sob.

"Please don't hurt me"I begged.
He shook his head at me."I'm here to help and not to hurt you ." He says ever so slowly.I looked at him questionable and he sighed.

"Okay so I'll tell you how you come by here" He said to me and I gave him a nod.
"I was driving along the road listening to a Ed Sheeran song when I saw you there lying down, so I drove past-"

"You drove pass ?" I interrupted.
"Bad manners young miss.To interrupt someone when they are speaking."

"Fine. Continue......"
"Yeah I drove pass and return back. I picked you up and put you in the back seat and take you here. I took care of your cuts and stitch the others.I had to -"

"You saw me naked? Who are you?"
"Yes I saw you naked. But it wasn't my fault I had to clean the cut or it'd get infected. My name mister. I won't tell you my name. Who are you though? "He asks

"Hi I'm mistress"I gave him a sarcastic smile in which he return
"Seriously you need to give me your name-"
"Why? " I asked
"Your really rude.I need it to report you to the police station so your parents can find you ."
"Oh........Okay.Well my name is Riley Everhart and yours is ?"

"Oh.Riley what a nice name, I expected you to be a Britney or an Ashley."
"What? Why?
"The blonde hair"
"Oh.Not at all blondes are Barbie's you know.And what is your name? "
He chuckled,"my name is Edward."
"Oh.Edward what a nice name. I expected a John or Adrian."
He chuckled again. Am I that hilarious?

"Oh .Not all brown haired guys have those names."
"Oh well.So Edward when are you going to take me to the police?"
"Soon but you need to eat first.".I feel like he wants company around him so he'll find a way to keep me a little longer.

"Okay. I'm really hungry "
"Your hungry? You want a salad ?"
"Why salad ?"

He shrugged,"Thats what blondes eat, ain't it? Wanna keep thin?"
"What ? Are you that stereotypical ? I said I'm hungry not that I want an appetizer."

"Okay..I'm sorry I won't ask any stereotypical again."
"Fine by me "
"But one thing though you do cheer leading?"

I looked at him with a blank expression and use my hand to show him that my lips are sealed and I will not answer his question.
He chuckled again. "How old are you?"
"I'm 16 years old.You? "
"I'm 20"
"Really Edward, you look about 30"
"I'll take that has a complement."
The place when silent .
"Are you okay ?"he asked
"You're really talkative"
"Yes. Yes I am?"

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