I didn't say anything about declining the War #15

51 4 7

Got tagged by and tagging @Multiple_me

1. I'm one of the crazy people that don't wear their winter jackets in the cold winter.

2. I'm planning to save up some left over money so I can buy some shirts/sweaters from youtubers; Pewdiepie, TheRPGMinx, ChilledChaos, and Entoan. Maybe more. :) But I can't order them, since I can only get them in US and UK, so might as well dream. Maybe I could just visit someone in the US, and order some stuff there. Sounds okay.

3. Today (December 12/14) I think I was sick, so no one bothered to wake me up and I woke up at 5pm :/

4. I have messed up my sleeping. (From not sleeping at night)

5. I don't know what to do with my life with Percy Jackson series is over now...

6. I ship everyone. Chinx, Crinx, Chinx, Krinx, Chinx, Ohminx/Mohm, Chinx, and many more!

7. I know how to use throwing knives.

8. I have no idea for my sexuality actually, I'm not sure. So it's unknown.

9. I'm usually on skype 24-7 :)

10. I hardly eat now...

11. Did I say this before? I'm an insomniac.


13. I have an obsession of Teen Titans now... (the very old one. 2003)

14. When I first watched Teen titans, right away I knew that Starfire liked Robin.

15. I have never liked Terra in Teen Titans...

16. I don't like batman at all actually.

17. I like Robin better than Batman.

18. Yes. This is 2 months late. So what? :P

19. Uhh... I randomly clap...

20. I'm going to fail term 2 :)

Yes this is 2 months late. I just haven't finish it yet. I have to do it again because of @Owl_Head DAMIT IT

Just Some random things :DWhere stories live. Discover now