Thank you very much -_-

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Got Tagged by @Multiple_me -_- I hate the 20 facts tag, and you guys know a lot about myself, thats all you need to know -_-

1. If we skype together, I'll put on my facecam if you put on your face-cam too

2. I'm apparently a 'psychopath' (acourting to @Multiple_Me and @CrazyDisneyAuthor) because my skype profile picture is 3 blades -_-

3. I'm an insomniac. Meaning that I have trouble going to sleep at night. So I sleep less than avenge. For me; Avenge is 8-9 hours, but I have none-3 hours for the past week.

4. I started having bad anxiety after the winter/christmas break

5. I have a COD; Advanced Warfare cup.

6. I have started watching Entoan and ChilledChaos (About 6 months ago) (He started being one of my favourite youtubers).

7. I have gotten a one-zie for christmas! It's a camouflage monkey :3

8. Today (December 11/2015), around 12am for me. I have changed my profile picture to a picture of irl me. But for 5 minutes, then changed it back to my normal profile picture.

9. I have started shipping Chinx and Crinx even more... :)

10. I would spend hours reloading the notification button :)

11. I have become a bit more anti-social then last year

12. Canadian internet sucks (Ask @Multiple_me , @CrazyDisneyAuthor and Ellie (I forgot her username) about it)

13. Winter isn't bad in Canada ^.^

14. I have a mind of a 5-year old

15. I have books full of ideas for the future!

16. My grandma once told me that I need to be a lady. That I should be like a lady, dress like one, and act like one.

17. I have made myself and a few friends out of trouble and got myself and a few friends in trouble;

I talked to people near me.

English Teacher: Back corner!  _____, ______, and JAIDEN! Stop talking!

Me: We're not talking! (I have 100% convinced her that we were not talking)

English Teacher: Alright then. Why do I hear talking then?

Me: Eh, You must be hearing things. (GOD FUCKING DAMIT JAIDEN)

18. I'm a 2 1/2 year old Bro and 1 1/2 year old Minxling

19. Me and @Akaido did a quiz for youtuber gamer boyfriend. We both got ChilledChaos twice.

20. I randomly message people saying "I'm your biggest fan" :D

There you go... you have learned... 20 worthless shitty facts about me :)

@Multiple_me is tagged because for revenge. :)

Just Some random things :DWhere stories live. Discover now