A waste of ny time

71 6 6

Tagged by Mad for the millionth time

1. My little sister, Delaney, used to be dyslexic before I did.

2. My older sister, Karley, has a disorder that makes her have a hard time in Math.

3. I'm a life hacker

4. Why? Because logic

5. Its lunch time

6. Still school

7. I'm walking as I typed this.

8. I have low self-esteem

9. I wonder hows life without alittle magic

10. You can argue with me all you want.

11. But I can always win!

12. When I see something from a picture, I can see what is it was like.

13. I suck at english

14. For some odd reason, i can read people's mind

15. It was snowing earlier this morning

16. I wonder how cold it is in the US in winter

17. Is my summer, your winter?

18. I love learning about history


20. I have motion-sickness

21. I can write and walk at the same thing.

22. Whats 9+10?

23. Ha! Trick question it was 19! No actually its 21, who knows?

24. I'm more likely to be a daughter of Hermes if I was a demigod

25. I'm more likely griffindor if I was a wizard!

MAD!!! I'M TAGGING YOU!!! my hand is freezing... it's kind of snowing in Canada :) bye!!!

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