Writing... and this happened instead

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So I was writing a story idea. For the story, I was planning Minx to go with Chilled or Cry. But it ended up Minx becaming frienemies with Chilled and dating Entoan XD

Should I just tell you guys why Minx and Chilled became frienemies? Yeah I should, because I'm nice :)

[It's a youtuber school fanfic thing]

So Minx kind of killed herself. Lizzie found Minx's dead body after 30 minutes when Minx 'killed' herself. Lizzie bring Minx's body to the hostipal. Lizzie and Entoan became sad and rude after finding out Minx's result, which was Coma. People right away knew something was wrong with Lizzie. No one noticed that Minx was gone. Lizzie started becaming even more meaner each day, it even came to the point where she hurts people on purpose. After 2 years when Minx was still gone, no one still noticed. Even Minx's 'boyfriend' Cry never noticed. Then one day, Cry investigate why Lizzie and Entoan was mean and sad. But Lizzie caught him and beat the shit out of him and broke his arm, for not knowing that his girlfriend was gone. Lizzie finally tells all of their friends that Minx was gone for 2 years. They soon to noticed, then Lizzie and Entoan visited Minx at the hostipal. Their friends followed. Minx unfriend everyone and stayed friends with Lizzie and Entoan. Entoan asked Minx out and they started dating. The new boy, Joel, became friends with them. Lizzie started dating Joel. Everything went normal. Then Chilled tried to get back together with Minx (they have dated for a while after Chilled survived his coma.) But Minx told him that they can stay frienemies.

Oh god... I was planning for Minx end up with Chilled... but it end up with Entoan... I don't know what I just did... just saying I was actually planning Minx to kill herself and not come back alive... well... that's even sadder... c'mon at least Minx is alive! :) just saying that this suppose to be the ending of the story :) so don't worry... that's not even half of the story :) this is like a chapter or two. :)

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