Story Ideas (I forgotten)

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Chilled. The school's player. Best gamer. Likes to play with girl's heart.

Minx. Bullied for looking like a guy. Plays videogames. Have low self-esteem and doesn't look in the mirror that often.

One day, Chilled caught Minx's eye. And started playing with her heart. (Uhh... I think this might turn out to be a smut D: ......)


Minx is new to an academy school for youtubers (They are in their 16's). Falling in love and heart breaks. Chinx, Crinx, MinxXEntoan, MinxXDlive, MinxXOhm, and some few others.... (Sorry no Krinx D:) (Also might have some smut... I don't know why... But I have a feeling It might happen...)


(I have no idea... but this came to mind as I was finishing typing the one ^^^)

One day, a zombie attacks. Many have turned into zombies. Minx was one of the survivors. Minx finds a guy and tries to help him out. Minx thinks he is going crazy. Until he finally tells Minx what's he is worrying about; "I am looking for a girl.... named Marzia."


Yay for orginal story ideas! :D (suppose to be sarcastic)

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