Why war? Canada is suppose to be peaceful #10

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Hmm... why are you stalkers??? Tagged by Mad

1. I was a hunter for halloween (funny right?)

2. You don't get it? WritingHUNTER

3. Now I'm awkwardly laughing while you are confused.


5. My little sister, Delaney, and my little brother, Theo, eat all the candy. They got in trouble because they were suppose to save some for me. Now, for the whole weekend, they are in trouble when found with candy XD

6. My little sister was Elsa for halloween. I'm thinkung if I should put a picture of her....

7. I'm a devious kid... wait I already said that??? Well too bad :P

8. I'm a bit sassy and very VERY cheeky.

9. I tend to be shy around people... so that's why I have Social Anixety Disorder....

10. I can't see far away when looking at words. It'll blurr out.

11. Teachers love to put me in the back because I'm quiet :) but then I complained for not seeing the words on the board. So they have to switch me over with seats.

12. Logic class is the best class ever!

13. I'm thinking about joining girl's soccer team.

14. I'm protective of certain people.

15. I'm gonna work on the halloween stories till I finished them! So at least around 2 more weeks!

16. I'm working on a story too much, that'll never probably be published.

17. I'm working on She's Ours too much

18. Gamefield (Minx Fanfic) was an AWESOME BOOK 11/10

19. Just Friends (Minx X Chilled) was an AWESOME BOOK TOO!!! OMG I'M FANGIRLING... 11/10

20. There are 8 girls and 14 boys in my homeroom class. (Well in every class since we have the same classes)

21. Girls beated Boys in Volleyball! Game 1: 15-26 and Game 2: 17- 26

22. I like taking random videos of me and friends at lunch time or after school. We are naturally funny.

23. My bestfriend went to a different school.

24. I'm actually bad at English.

25. I scored an A+ in a Science Test! :)


Mad is the one and only person I'm gonna tag :)

Just Some random things :DWhere stories live. Discover now