11 Question Tag

40 7 5

Tagged by Owl_Head 

1. How do you survive School?

Um. Just go with it. I'm on the internet more than I should be. Like, I don't even do school homework so yeah. I wing'it A LOT. So, just go with the flow, I guess. I pulled a lot of over-nighters for Exams Tests and projects for the term.

2. How do you deal with stupid people in real life?

Who really knows me, they know that I'm annoyed by stupid people. I get easily annoyed by them. And they all know about my very easy Short-temper, so they can get me mad at them quickly. So, it's really hard to deal with stupid people. But, I'll go with ignore them. If that won't work, then get them annoyed by your genius-iness.

3. Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

Almost everywhere and everything. I find ideas in other stories, I find ideas in everyday stuff, I find ideas on Tumblr, I find ideas just from talking with people.

4. What fandom are you in?

Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Youtube, Pentatonix, Marvel, The Originals TV Series (or Vampire Diaries), and there is more but I can't think of it.

5. What's your favourite thing to do?


6. What's your least favourite subject?

In school? If yes, it'll be Science. I fucking hate science.

7. Do you have a crush?

Yes. I have one on one of my closest irl friends, and I have been crushing on him since Grade 2.

8. What's your favourite meme?

Those who really knows me. They know that I fucking hate memes. But, I'll probably go with the one that says "Hold up! We got a badass over here" or something like that.

9. Rock or Pop?


10. Has anyone called your name wrong?

Yep. Some people spell my name wrong and something say other names to call for me.

11. Do you watch the Late Night Crew?

I'm going to get people to hate me by saying this: I never have. And probably never will.

Tagging Akaido Christy19887 Ninjapyro77 UniversalAwakening xXRZviperxXx Weirdo-Chan and Purple_Guy5

1. Favourite Music Genre?

2. What Fandom(s) are you apart of?

3. Favourite Colour(s)?

4. What is the First that appeared in your head, when I say . . .


5. Favourite YOUTUBE Ship? And why?

6. What's your height?

7. Use Adjectives to Describe yourself :)

8. Nerd Culture or Celebrity Culture?

9. Nerd or Scrub?

10. Have you ever been FriendZoned or have you FriendZoned someone else?

11. Favourite Member of the Derp Crew?

Just Some random things :DWhere stories live. Discover now