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Tagged by MAD

1. I'm Lactso and whatever... I can't spell it. But I can't have dairy or whatever. Like ice cream, chocolate and such.

2. I don't like chocolate.

3. Yes you read it right. I don't like chocolate

4. Should I tell you more of what I don't like?

5. I don't like cake.

6. I don't like Ice Cream.

7. I have never liked pineapples in my entire life

8. I should start running before Neon kills me

9. I like sour stuff

10. I can drink a full cup of lemon juice

11. I have given up on 2/3 stories

12. They are: TTT, Dark Hero, and Hidden Revenge

13. "Why isn't Jaiden reading my stories?" You may asked. Well probably because:

A. I don't like your plots

B. Does it have what I am interest in?

C. Or I haven't found your story yet

14. "Why does Jaiden stopped reading my story?" You may asked. Well probably because:

A. You have add OCs or a contest for OCs

B. I don't have any time

C. You have lost me. With the crazy plot-twists and stuff, that I given up reading it.

15. "Why haven't Jaiden follow back?" You may asked. Well probably because:

A. You have no stories

B. Your not into what I'm into

C. I haven't really met you yet.

16. I don't like OCs as main characters with FanFics.

17. There were many stories that I enjoyed. But of course they have to give out an OC contest!

18. Yeah, I guess so by Mad-for-tea is so far my favorite romance book. OMG ITS SO CUTE <3

19. I think I just given Mad an shoutout... well her book is really good :)


21. Uhh... I'm looking for Blood Of Olympus by Rick Riordan. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT WILL HAPPEN!!!

22. Rick Riordan, you better not let Leo die in Blood of Olympus. Make Jason die! No! Please no! Not Leo!

23. I ship Nico X Leo or Lico or whatever their ship name is

24. Aww... Percabeth is so cute <3 Percy's words to Annabeth when they were about to fall. "I don't want to lose you again!" Aww... this reminds me of every scene of Percy's adventure!!

25. Harry Potter Vs Percy Jackson! Who will win??? Harry Potter died twice. While Percy was offered for Immortality. Hmm... PERCY WINS!!!

Mad is gonna be tagged :) Yay!! I won't ever stop until you stop tagging me

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