20 Facts Tag #2

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I got... nomitated again... by @BrokenDreams this time.... ARGG

1.) I'm not scared of anything. I'm pretty much Fearless. But i'm Vertigo

2.) 'Hunter' in my username is my fake last name :P but it's a name of my OC. But Jaiden is my real name.

3.) What is life without alittle magic? I'm still a Harry Potter and Percy Jackson fan <3

4.) I used to be a directioner.... but I'm not anymore...

5.) I grew up outta town... on weekends or breaks I go outta town. Where there's forests. And stuff... My cousins live there. So on weekends we get kicked out of the house. And they only lets us in for Lunch and Dinner. But we are allow to back inside after 10pm. Now... we don't go anymore.

6.) I have 6 brothers. Names and Age: Storm 20, Xavier 16, Theo 4, Justice 10 months, Skylis (Unknown he is the same age as me. no he is not my twin brother), and Brent 10.

7.) I have 3 sisters. But one passed away. Names and age: Karley 14 (okay why am I stupid... now you guys know I'm younger than 14), Delaney 8 and Jacklynn died at 16.

8.) I been through Depression. I hated it. After depression. I got all my disorders all of a sudden.

9.) But Depression. Give me a chance to change up. Now I'm not that girl that tries to hide herself. Now I'm different. Now I'm a tomboy :) (This happened last Christmas)

10.) I believe in Ghosts, Demons and such.

11.) When i was 4. I have a bad heartattack and I survived.

12.) I have over 10 scars all over my body... most of them are on my hands :P

13.) My hobbies are ripping tin cans apart... ask @AnimelikesAnime about it :P because I give it to her.

14.) When I'm mad. I break tin cans. So I don't beat up anyone :)

15.) the internet is my home

16.) My heroes are Minx, Pewds, Cry, Ken, Entoan, Dlive and Ohm.

17.) I'm not against gay, les and bi. Some of my family members are gay, les or bi.

18.) I'm not selfish at all... I'm actually Selfless...

19.) I'm not Christian or whatever. But I do believe in God and stuff. But the only thing I don't get is. Why do you have to pray in chruch? Like serious? If God is that powerful as you say. Then doesn't he hear you pray at home?

20.) I have an awesome hat that looks like this >>>>





and... that's all :)

Just Some random things :DWhere stories live. Discover now