Not again #6

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@xXRZviperxXx tagged me... like I'm running out of facts

1.) I have read the whole Percy Jackson series in a month TWICE

2.) I read all the books of Harry Potter in 2 months

3.) I read all the Narnia Stories

4.) I read all the Heroes of Olympus expect for House of Hades and Blood of Olympus in 9 hours.

5.) My favorite color is Red :)

6.) Today i have about 10 pizzapops :)

7.) I'm watching Dlive right now

8.) I made Viper's computer crash today :)

9.) Me and _WeAreYoutubers_ were suppose to do a meeting for a new story. but instead we talked about butts XD

10.) Some how we ended the meeting playing Cards Against Humanity

11.) I want to make a short story about Zodiacs...

12.) I want to make a story where I'm a therapis and people ask me things and I'll answer them :)

13.) I'm a Vertigo... It says I'm perfectionst... I am not...

14.) I just tripped down the stairs :) but i didn't cry

15.) I'm trying to watch people play horror games for some jump frights... having a great time!

16.) I'm one of those people who likes to scare itself :P all lights are out and it's around midnight :P

17.) I'm a Doctor Who Fan!

18.) My favorite doctor would be... David Tennant :)

19.) if I have 3 wishes. A1: It will be that everyone accepts Gays, Les and Bi. A2: People find cures for Cancer and ad illness. A3: And everyone lives happily ever after <3

20.) I have no more

@NeonEcho!!! I CHOOSE U XD

Just Some random things :DWhere stories live. Discover now