Weekly/Monthly Updates

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I'm not sure if I should do weekly or Monthly updates yet :/


Wow, I haven't done one of these for a long time. I will try to do these weekly updates for you guys so you can know about stuff, like what is happening with Jaiden's life that is so important for her to not update?

Okay, okay. Lets start with school.

I'm a so-so student. I only get in trouble for making annoying noises (like tapping the table or clapping my hands because ADHD). Oh yeah, Eloise, this is one of the biggest reasons why I clap randomly in the skype calls. :)

I'm still behind in my school project, I need it to be completed tonight (it's 3:13am for me as I write this part.) I also have 3-4 more other homework things that I need to do for tomorrow :)


Also, I'm planning a new book series. It's features Ohm, Lizzie and 2 other people :) all I'm going to show you a screenshot of a part of the story- wait... now you know the last 2 other characters -_- which are Minx and Chilled.

I'm planning on 5 books for the series. :)

So, they are wizards-type of people. The series is fantasy-style, like there's classes and stuff like that :)

Chilled is a warrior (he can't do the healing spell, also he can't do spells while in battle because he's build to fight with swords not magic)

Minx and Ohm are Hunters (Or Assassins, Rogues or Thieves) They don't use magic spells until they are needed.

And Lizzie is a Witch. (Witches can do curses, charms and they can brew potions and yeah)

I have the ending done. Like I wrote the whole chapter of the 2 last chapters. :)


Uhhh.... oh yeah. I have a new background!! ^.^

It's a collage of Chilled :)


It's 4am right now :/

Uhh... what else is there?

Oh yeah, I'm working on 99 Days, TTT and Five Nights at Freddy's to be finished so I can post the new series :)


That's it for weekly updates. I still have to do some type of 20 facts about me chapter, but I won't do it till later :) because I'm an lazy bitch.

Anyways... that's it.... BAI!!!!

Just Some random things :DWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt