Great, a new tag! Favourite Tag

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Before anything. To you Americans. 'Favorite' is spelt 'Favourite' in Canada and the Uk. So yeah... We love the 'u's... gosh that sounds wrong...

Favourite Place:

There's this park in my city, called 'Central Park' and that's literary where I grew up. I met my group of troubles; Josh, Aaron and Dredyne. Orginally it was me and Aaron, but Josh and Dredyne joined after when they moved. Childhood. Then we met 4 others that joined our group; Fabi, Drake, Wen Toi, and Gabe. We were a group of troubles. Then one day, we split apart because we went different schools for highschool :/ (I'm not telling where it is in Canada. Because you'll probably hunt down my city)

Favourite Food:

Pepperoni Pizza!!! Yep. I'm eating it right now :)

Favourite Book:

Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian! By Rick Riordan Omg, I love it! Blood of Olympus is my second favourite. The reason why I loved it because of Percabeth <3 Percy and Annabeth finally kiss. You guys should read the series! It's a great series!

Favourite Drink:

ICED TEA!!!!!!

Favourite Person:

I like 3 people. Me, myself and I. Just joking, I'm not really selfish. uhh... Pewdiepie I guess, since I have been a bro for 3 years. (I'm also a Minxling for 2 years)

Favourite Game Console:

XBOX360! Fuck xboxONE, I'm enjoying my Xbox360. I do have a PS3, but I enjoy my Xbox.

Favourite Game:

Assassin's Creed! (All of them, I can't choose.)

Favourite Comic:

Bone Series! Thorne is pretty badass, she was my favourite character. Grandma Ben is badass too.

Favourite TV show:

SONS OF ANARCHY!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG The plotting is hardcore man. I cried at the last episode to be honest. I mean- Doctor Who. David Tennat was my favourite Doctor :) I ship Rose and the 10th doctor :)

Favourite Game Character:

Clementine from TWD she's pretty bad ass ;)

Favourite Youtuber:

Female: TheRPGMinx

Male: ChilledChaos

Favourite Video:

Butts Animation by Domics (I'll put it on the side btw)

Favourite Day:

My birthday because I do adventures things

Favourite Artist/band:

Boyinaband :D

Favourite Song:

Murder by Minx, Boyinaband and Chilled

Real Song: Black Widow by Iggy Azeala ft. Rita

Worst DayWhen I found out that my older sister died, after that I went through deep depression.

I tag...


@Akaido (Right now we are talking to each other on skype. as I write this. She's singing my Youtube Christmas special song-thing I made)

and that's it... :D

Just Some random things :DWhere stories live. Discover now