WTF is this Tag called?

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Tagged by FutureMrsChaos

Name: Jaiden

Nicknames: Jai, Jaiden-Poo, Jaiden-Chan, Chilly Willy and sometimes rarely: Hunter.

Birthday: August 28

Place of Birth: A hospital located somewhere in Canada

Star Sign: Virgo

Occupation: Still in school.


Hair Colour: Brown with purple (looks pink for some odd reason) bangs.

Hair Length: Short and choppy. Uneven as hell.

Eye Colour: Brown.

Best Features: Was going to say my Personality, but then I remembered that I have a messed up personality so I guess . . . my dimples? What am I kidding, I have no fucking noticeable dimples. So, I guess nothing?


Piercings: Ears were pierced but I guess they closed up :/ I don't know, they may or may not be. I haven't wore Earrings since . . . 2-3 years ago.

Righty or Lefty: BOTH! Right in writing and Left in sports and some other things.


BestFriend: Hm, An IRL friend named Macayla who I met in Nursery. Around 3 years old.

Award: I got a Math Award for having the best grades in Math in my entire school. (This Year)

Sport: Soccer /or/ Football for you UK friendos!

Real Holiday: I refuse to answer this.

Concert: I refuse to answer this.


Film: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

TV Show: Doctor Who

Colour: Red

Song: We are Stars by Virginia To Vegas ft Alyssa Reid

Restaurant: I like Fastfood, so any FastFood.

Store: Uh- Seven-Eleven!

Book: The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan!

Magazine: I don't read Magazines

Shoes: Any Sneakers


Feeling: Hungry but I don't want to eat

Single or Taken: Single but I'll probably be forever Single.

Eating: My Saliva.

Listening to: Cheerleader by Pentatonix

Thinking About: How hot Kirstie is . . .

Watching: I USED to be watching Mianite; Season 1; Episode 56 on CaptainSparklez's channel. But since I have to stop the video to do this task, so right now . . . I'm watching the words type. But once you actually get this I'll probably be back watching Episode 56.

Wearing: A black t-shirt saying 'The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones' and Black fucking comfortable joggers.

Future: Hm, I cannot tell the future. So I cannot answer that.

Want Children: Hm, sure I guess.

Want to be married: Hm, no. Sorry. Not with my fear, I don't want to be near a Marriage until someone manage to get me through my fear.

Careers in Mind: Author, Graphic Artist or Gaming Programmer.

Where do you want to live: The Same city, I don't like moving :/

Do you believe in:

God: I refuse to answer

Miracles: I guess.

Love at First Sight: Just like Chloe said: it's more of Attraction at First sight than Love at First sight. So, not really.

Ghosts: Yep.

Aliens: Yep.

Soul Mates: I guess.

Heaven & Hell: I do believe that there is an Afterlife World, but not exactly pointing at Heaven & hell.

Kissing on your first date: You kiss if you want.

Yourself: Eh . . . it's so-so. I do try to believe in myself; but I guess I only hear about reported sightings of myself. And some very rare pictures are very top-secret wise. But you know, it could be fake. So, not really.








andddd I guess xXRZviperxXx


and is that it? . . . there are some other people I want to tag . . . AHA! Ninjapyro77 oh you sneaky bastard, you're going to be taken in part :)

I think that's it. I have a long list of people I want to tag . . . BUT I guess I won't get them tagged so they can have a moment to breath! :)

GOODBYE! such cute omg ;)

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