Are you Cereal? #12

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So for the millionth and one time. I have been tagges by Mad *sighs* this will never be over

1. It's 1:01am right now for me.

2. Me and Mad agreed that Hell and School is the same place.


4. THIS GIRL!!! *Points at myself*

5. I can always win an agurement

6. Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monster SUCKS!!! Like c'mon! I know they could've of done better!

7. My dad is signing me up for cadets!

8. Cadets is literary learning how to be in the army at the age of!!! Not saying my age :)

9. I'm proud of being bad at stuff.

10. I'm a sacrifacer in my teams. Like in Volleyball, I almost broke my ankle trying to get the ball into the air.

11. I decided that I won't be joining soccer this year :)

12. Report cards are coming in around 2 weeks... Holy shit

13. I have 6 book reports to do before tomorrow.

14. I have 2 done :)

15. I think I have read alot of books... more than a library of books...

16. Holy crap I have alot of time wasting.

17. People are complaining that is was cold today, BUT IT WASN'T!!!

18. When I was around 6 or 7......

19. I have survived an heart attack!!!

20. I don't really have a real blood sister or brother. Like the same mom and same dad. MY LIFE IS TOO HARD TO EXPLAIN!!!

21. I have a hard time trying to pronounce words with 'r's. Like 'Frogs' I'll end up saying 'Fogs'. But it sounds like 'Focks'.

22. I'm gonna make an advice book called 'Therapis Jaiden!' Support it! If you want something like that in the future

23. I'm really good at giving advices. Like helping out with comebacks and stuff!

24. I always eat the crust first when I'm eating pizza.

25. I'm starting to watch other youtubers! Yay!!!

NOW GO SEE MAD!!! BECAUSE SHE IS GONNA BE TAGGED!!!! BYE!!! also it's 1:30am. Yeah it takes along time to write!

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