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Today while in the bathroom (Don't judge. I think the bestest there) I was thinking of Saw. Since I had a movie Marathon of the Saw series. I think it was awesome. Yet this is my 4th time watching the whole 7 movies :/

So yeah. I was thinking of saw. Should i do a Fanfic of it? Like.... yeah. XD I'm an evil child. I'm making these poor harmless youtubers suffer different things. Like I made them suffer Town Of Salem. Soon I'm gonna make them suffer Russian Roulette. Now I want them to suffer SAW!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *Coughs* got sick for playing in the rain :/ So yeah :/ maybe a series? Like you can comment down which youtubers i can make them suffer. 5 youtubers each book. And yeah :D

So do you want to see that in the future? Comment below if you do. One comment will make me actually writing the book. Because I think this is a pretty cool idea :D

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