Really... I-I'm not sure what to do now... #17

39 4 3

I got tagged by @Christy19887

1. I'm 5'6 yes. I'm pretty short... well compare to my friends... I am.

2. Don't judge my height, it isn't my fault that my parents are short :(

3. I have no blood siblings (or real siblings). All my siblings are steps...

4. I get teased alot because of my last name :(

5. I also get teased of how I prenounce stuff

6. I had some friends that thought I was british for the longest time.

7. I have started watching American Horror Story and The Walking Dead. I have no words for American Horror Story. But for The Walking Dead, the effects are AMAZING. It's AWESOME. American Horror Story... I can't... just... can't.

8. I have watched True Blood and Vampire Diaries (The whole thing).

9. I have also watched the Orginals, (Its a sequel to Vampire Diaries). I think it's pretty awesome!

10. Uhh... I have watched every Teen Titan episode (2003 old)... My favourite episode is the last episode of Season 1. It's AMAZING.

11. I'm working on 2 school projects. One is dued this week :/ and I'm no where close to completed it.

12. The other school project is for Edu-Fair, it's where you choose a subject and then you choose a topic, then like you write what you write about. I have chosen Social Studies; Greek Mythology.

13. In Town of Salem, I always chosen the name 'RedRum' if there's no name theme.

14. I have started animating... :D

15. I have so many friends that use me... but I'm just so generious...

16. People likes to called people names, while I use disorders against people :D

17. The Longest Chapter I ever made was 8 pages long, and it's the lastest chapter I uploaded on my Chinx story :)

18. I suck at making Oneshots... :/

19. I am very loyal to my friends

20. I don't get sick easily normally but I get sick easily now :/


YAY!!! I'm done!

@Chisty19887 right back at you! You are nomitated or whatever you spell it :/

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