Really? #7

99 3 11

So... Apparently I got tagged by Turtle... DAMIT

1.) My favorite color is Red

2.) My favorite food is PEPPERONI PIZZA!!!

3.) On the game: Amazing Brick. My high score is 48 :P

4.) I suck at the game: Dumb ways to die

5.) I know what @xXZRviperxXx looks like :P and she knows what I look like....

6.) Viper looks like she is 14. And Viper says I looked like I'm 16....

7.) I have man hands XD

8.) I like learning about Team Fortress....

9.) For School: I chosen Technology/Logic over Dance and Guitar. I chosen French (I'm Canadian... how many times do I have to tell you?) over Spanish and Native Studies. And I chosen Art over Band and something else that I can't remember.

10.) I'm a Devious person....

11.) I have trust issues...

12.) Lemonade or Iced Tea? what about BOTH! (This is a thing in Canada)

13.) Canada's Iced Tea is better than US's (From what I heard)

14.) My favorite drink is ICED TEA!!!

15.) I don't like starbucks... and I never went to starbucks... or tried starbucks

16.) I don't like Bacon... sorry.. I'm a picky eater...

17.) For a picky eat... I'm not skinny....

18.) My mom describe me in one word... which was Crazy.

19.) I walk school to home. But my mom drives me home to school :)

20.) I have 2 dads.... so yeah...

I tagged.... TURTLE!!!

REVENGE MWAHAHAHAHA for tagging me....

Just Some random things :DOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora