O_O Weekly Updates

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I'm gonna do Weekly Updates. So you guys can catch up and stuff. Knowing what's happening. And stuff.


I have no idea... but I'm literary writing 2 songs at this point. And I might post them in the future.


And guess what? My friend did a cover of All Of Me. OMG. I never heard him sing. O_O. If Jc (The friend of mines) sees this.... GREAT JOB MAN!!! And no... (you guys won't understand :D)

The video of it is on the side.


I'm thinking of doing an orginal story. Because I've been writing too much fanfics. So in the future. I will do one. :D


Next is... THURSDAY!!!! (August 28) OMG I CAN'T WAIT!!!! I'm not telling why I'm overly excited about that. But I'll tell you one thing about it. I'm going LASER TAGGING!!! Can't wait.


Also. You guys should check out me and some awesome writer's, here on wattpad, Group account!


We are writing a fanfic. Where Krinx has their children. You awesome people should follow and check out the story we're writing!

And I'm gonna decated it. So you guys don't need to spend much time.



Some of you are still in school? I'm still on Summer holidays :D

2 more weeks of summer! YAY.


That's it... BYE!!!

Just Some random things :DWhere stories live. Discover now