Some random Ideas

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So i been thinking about some other ideas for new stories. And i really want to write them down before i forgot about them. So my ideas are:

A youtuber Town of Salem thing. Like i'll put: Minx, Pewds, Cry, Ken, Dlive, Ohm, Diction, Tesh, Necro, Krism, Markiplier, Entoan, Chilled, Wade, and Deaf. Then they all have to figure whos the Sk and Mafia... ect. Urrr.... i think that's a good idea :D DONT COPY MY IDEA!!!

(Some of you don't know these people but it's okay :D)

Some kind of a Minecraft Youtubers CreepyPasta Side kind of story. Like i'll add Bodil666 and yeah... ect.

And the last one is just a story about AshDil40. And Bodil40 has a dark side called Bodil666. And yeah...

So these are my ideas. I'm kinda writing the first idea right now by the time u guys (early ones) see this. :D And yea... i do have a creative mind :D

Do u like these ideas? comment down if u really like to sees these in the future! Because i would love to do it!

Just Some random things :DWhere stories live. Discover now