Monthly Updates

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This is an update! ^.^

This book, is fully of updates and stuff.

I guess it'll be an Monthly Update. So, it's August 11 at the time I'm writing this. :)

So yesterday, I have actually finished Minx (Book 1). It's fairy chessy ending. But, I just wanted to the story to end so I can work on other things.

The second book will be out like . . . next year, I guess. Whenever, I get the chance to write.

Chilled's Hero is 'on Hold' mode, right now. Because, I just want to focus on The Player (Chinx); because I feel like, I get distracted very easy. Too easy, that I forget to update in some other stories.

After The Player is completed, I will be working Chilled's Hero and Mystical Island. I finally decided that Mystical Island will be a Trilogy. If, I feel really comfortable where I am; I will start The second book of the Element Series :)

I know exactly what I want for the Second Book; so I'm kind of predicting that this book will be finished before Chilled's Hero and Mystical Island. After the Second Book; I'll be working on the Sequel of TTT.

Mystical Island will be updated like, once a month or something; maybe once a week if I manage to do that.

If one of the 3 stories are finished; I will probably not post any new stories after that. After the 3 stories are finished, I will be updating book 2 of the Original Series and The Third Book of the Element Series.

I'll probably will have to finish the Series first. And I will probably slowly work on Mystical Island.

FanGirl Academy will be up . . . like later like in the future. Maybe year 2017 or 2016 if lucky. I will try with my heart; I will try to get all of these FanFictions up and running.

Right now, I will update The Player every second day. Yesterday I have updated 2 chapters, so tomorrow I will try to update one chapter.

If I feel more comfortable; I will try to update every day. School is coming soon, when school hits I will try to update at least every week; or at least 2-3 times a week. It's the start of a new year, and there shouldn't be much there.

Anyways, I will try my hardest to update often. That's my new year goal; to update often. Earlier in the year, I didn't do it. So, I have decided that I will do it now!

So, be prepare for the new coming stories!

Just Some random things :DWhere stories live. Discover now