Story Teasers! (Weekly Updates)

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Yay! More weekly updates!!! This one is going to be long... so let's get to it!
So, for the 1.7k votes special, I'm going to update one story with 6+ chapters. (If you haven't voted, go to the chapter that says 'Special!!'.) So far in the lead is #10 which is about Chinx. Chilled is the player. And Minx is the bullied tomboy.
(Story Teasers/Random Ideas)

Minx's POV

I walked through the hallways. Wearing a forest camouflage, gray tank-top underneathe and navy blue jeans. The popular, girly girls glanced at me. The leader, Jessica, with a smirk on her face and walked up to me.

"Hey Minx. How is your mom doing? She is still alive!" She said loudly for everyone to hear. My mom was abusived by my Dad, and my Dad killed her one night. He went to jail and I'm in a foster home. When people talk about my mom, I'm sensitive about it, I hate it how people knew about me, without me saying anything about myself.

"Hey Jessica, how is your slutty ass boyfriend Chilled?" I shouted out loud. Chilled, the player, was Jessica's boyfriend. Every girl in the school is inlove with him, expect for myself. Jessica got shocked and went wide-eyed. I give a smirk and walked off to class.

Jessica has sunshine blonde hair with crystal blue eyes. She is popular, girly and yeah. She is rich as fuck. Jessica begs and appear every single day with a new outfit.

Chilled has dark brown hair with chocolate brown eyes. Girls says that his eyes are so deep, that you can get lost in them forever. I don't give a fuck. I don't even want to met this fucking man whore at all. The one who plays with girl's hearts.
I'm nice :D so... uhh... want more ideas? Or story teasers? I'LL GIVE YOU SOME MOAR!!! This is Forbidding Love!!!!

Minx's POV

Chilled stabbed his knife through my left arm, the tip was sticking out on the other side.

The King cheered, so does everyone else did. They all see me as a rebel running around stealing and killing. They never knew my backstory.

I looked at Chilled. He has fears in his eyes, like he just became a monster.

I fallen behind myself. Leaving me on the ground, slowly dying.

Well, there you have it folks! I have a bad childhood, being in the King's jail cell since borned to 8. Escaping. But figuring out that the King killed my mum. We didn't do anything wrong. Then I run around being a rebel, then getting backstabbed by everyone. They turned me in. Then here I am. Dying slowly on the ground.

"Finish her!" Yelled the King. Chilled turned toward me. I still layed on the ground. Trying to get my vision focus. I felt like I was drunk right now.

"Chill--ed" I choked out. I pushed myself up. I tried to stand up. But I couldn't. "I'm sorry for everything." Chilled dragged his sword with him as he weakly walked toward me.

He rised his sword high. Everyone cheered. I looked at him. I tried to make eye contact with him, but he refused to look at me straight through the eyes. He was aiming for my heart with his sword.

I thought of everything to be nice. I tried to talk to him. I tried to make him look straight at my eyes, he couldn't really see my eyes.

So I decided for the last and finale plan. If this doesn't work. I have failed life.

That isn't the ending ^.^ just saying. Probably around 2/5 of story. (Then there's the part where Minx di- nevermind :D)


Here's some... Ideas!

So, after 99 days is done. I got an idea!! What about: What really happened in Minx's life. Like, it's in Minx's point of view and sees the other things she did that day! (Like, more detailed kind of thing!) What do you think! I think it's a great idea! No one did it yet (I don't have the guts to search up if someone did it already.)
Some.... Youtube Academy Ideas... :D
Minx's POV

"Are you sure Entoan?" I asked. Entoan nodded, I smiled, it's nice knowing that Entoan was okay with things in life.

Then we just sat there, face to face. We stared into each other eyes, I got lost into Entoan's eyes in seconds. Then, I don't know why, but we leaded in and kiss. I pulled away after 20 seconds, but I kissed back.

"MIIIIIIIIIINX OPEN UP!" Someone yelled and banged on my dorm room door. Me and Entoan pulled away quickly.

"Oh god. It's Chilled.... uhh...." I muttered. I grabbed the TV remote and quickly turned on the X-Box. I walked toward the door, as Entoan grabbed the controllers and started up Black-ops 2, so it's looks like we were just playing videogames. I opened the door, Chilled smiled, but when he saw Entoan, he frowned.

"What were you guys doing?" Chilled said in supicious.

"Playing Videogames." I lied.

"What game?"

"Black ops 2."

"Which mode?"

"Online Team Deathmatch." I replied in a lie.

"I know something is wrong...." Chilled muttered and walked away. I closed the door and sat back down on the couch.

"Agreed to never speak of that kiss?" Entoan asked.

"Agreed." I agreed with a nod and a smile.

"Soo... wanna actually play Black ops?"

Uhh... so... drawings? I have the Chinx one that is requested by @DahKawaiiPyscho just look on the side or flip through the pages to find the drawing :)
Uhh... that's it :)
Also on 1.9k votes! holy shit, last time I checked, I was on 1.7k. And that was 2 days ago O_O well... uhh... Skype party? :D if no... uhh... some more random updates! Because I can :)

Just Some random things :DOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora